Update on Shanthi and Laxmi

Updates on our prayer requests.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
We are praying for two in our group with tumors. Shanthi had a tumor on her neck, and suffered a stroke after the surgery to remove it. Then we discovered one of our teens has similar tumors, but larger and on both sides of her jaw.
Laxmi was admitted for surgery this week, but the doctors had to stop when they found the tumor was even larger than the scans showed. She is back in the recovery room. The surgery was already risky, but now it’s not possible. Laxmi is scared, because the doctors convinced her to do the surgery because the risk of waiting is sudden death. The tumors are cutting off blood supply to her brain. We need prayers for her!
Pray with us for the tumor to shrink, and for sufficient blood flow to her brain. Thank you! ♥
Shanthi continues to improve! Slow, but steady says the doctors. She has physical therapy to regain full use of her left side, after the stroke. She is squeezing balls, and walking slowly for short distances now both with and without a cane. This is a huge answer to prayer. Thank you so much for praying with us!
(You can catch up here if you missed last week’s update. )
Thank you for your prayers!
♥ Samantha
Links to other posts this week: