Week in review February 8 2020

This week, we learned How to Interpret the Bible and The Source of Our Self Esteem. Our outreaches continue in Mexico and India! Continue reading to see a glimpse from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Prayers for those in the hospital
This week we had three in the hospital with high fevers, including little one-year-old Esther, who also had sores from eating a wild plant she discovered. Please join us in praying for these three. We’re so grateful to have doctors who see all we bring them for free! They only charge us for medicine. Thank you, Jesus!
Adult Literacy Classes
I wish I could express how amazing this miracle is, of these ladies sitting there with their Bibles out reading. For all of these things to happen, can only be the blessings of God! The first generation in their entire family histories to read! And they’ve learned so quickly, and the Lord is blessing and multiplying their efforts. He’s given them a passion and understanding of His Word! And He’s given them a heart for those who don’t know Him. They know first hand the transformation He’s done in their lives and they want that for others.
Jewelry Making
I love that we can provide the materials for the ladies to make jewelry to sell! They are excited to tell customers that they are the artisans!
Here’s one of our ladies with her display in the market.
Needs in the village
We visited this village to pray, fellowship, and check on their needs.
We’ve been overrun by rats! We’ve been praying, and the Lord has kept the snakes away, but this means the rats have gotten out of control. 26 huts have been ruined by them and need the coverings replaced. Please pray with us for wisdom and provision in this.
We hired a tractor to cover in the stagnant water to keep snakes and disease away.
Scenes from Our Sunday Service
Prayer and Sunday School Classes
The kids love trimming their nails, so we often bring clippers for everyone! It’s simple things like this that are lacking when you’re in poverty—being able to keep yourself groomed and clean. It’s still such a blessing to all of them to do so.
Our Fellowship Lunch
A few missed the items we gave last week, so we made sure they received them this week!
Thank you for your love, your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Why Do I Still Sin?
- Are Joseph’s And Mary’s Lineage Incorrect?
- Fruit Inspectors
- Joseph’s And Mary’s Lineage, Follow Up
- Fruit Inspectors, Follow Up
- Is Homeopathy For Christians?
- Do We Have His Name Wrong?
- The Wind And The Spirit
- Blessings From Psalm 32
- Have We Misunderstood?
- Carrying The Ark Of The Covenant
- Is This A Proper Use Of My Tithe?
- Explaining The Different Translations