Week in review: May 23, 2020-New faith, new water tanks, new village!

We’ve now made it through 10 weeks of quarantine! We are so blessed to bring food to those in need, and the Lord keeps bringing people in need to us. Thank you for helping us show others that Jesus loves every one of them. On the site, we focused on Receiving the Holy Spirit, and The Gifts of the Holy Spirit. Continue reading to see a glimpse from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Happy weekend everyone! I am so honored to hear from so many of you during the quarantine. I’m blessed to pray with you and hear the struggles, the blessings, the ups and downs, often in the same few moments. To see what God is removing from people’s lives and to pray for Him to bless and breathe on what remains. To agree together for protection and healing and to wait in expectation for all the good God is bringing out of this time of resetting. I’m so proud of all of you.
⇒ In website news, we continue to post the transcripts for the Mark Audio Study as we complete them! We have through Chapter 6 published.
Here’s a great story this week to build your faith and glorify God. It’s been a struggle to navigate the lockdown orders while making sure everyone has food, clean water, and soap. The biggest of these is getting the water delivery truck out often enough. The tribe realized this, and saw that they really need twice the water tanks. If they had double the tanks, the truck driver would only have to come out half the amount of time. This protects everyone from unnecessary exposure and from getting in trouble with the authorities. And here is where we see God at work! They know when they tell us their needs, we bring them to God. God prompts people to join Him and to give. This is how the ministry has worked for 20 years.
So they reasoned, if Auntie (that’s me ♥) can tell God their needs and trust He’ll provide, they can do the same. And they did! They got together and prayed. And God showed them that He would provide from the most unlikely source. God prompted them to go talk to any old bosses they’ve had before and ask for help. Remember that our people are the lowest in society. And in most work they could get, they are seen as disposable, and only allowed the most dangerous positions because their lives are not valued. There was no human expectation that they would be moved to help our people. But they did! Our people raised over $600! For people who earn $2-3 a day, this is over a year’s worth of income they raised in a few weeks! Praise God! They bought cement and rocks to build the foundation and had it waiting for our volunteers as a surprise. And then they excitedly handed $600 to our volunteers to purchase the water tanks.
I know Jesus marveled at their faith, just as He did with the Roman Centurion in Matthew 8:5-13.
Let’s praise God together for His faithfulness. For the transformation in the lives of our people and for all He is doing during this hard time!
Water Tanks
They cleaned the tanks.
Installed the pipes.
And we prayed together and had a ribbon-cutting ceremony, celebrating the love and provision of Jesus!
Every time they come for water, they’ll be reminded of Jesus, our living water who provides for them!
New Village
Our prayers are being answered left and right! And when we’re overwhelmed with the extreme need, we remind ourselves that we prayed for God to bring so many people to Him during this pandemic.
We showed you a few photos of this village last week when we first met them. When I first saw the photos, I thought these were temporary shelters built quickly when the lockdown order was given. But we then learned they’ve been here for five years. The conditions are heartbreaking.
We were able to meet with them and pray with them. None of them had heard the name Jesus until our volunteers told them about Him. We are praying that God will use us to show His love and provision to them. That they will receive His love with open hearts and be transformed. We were able to bring a doctor to assess their health and any medical conditions that need treatment. Praise God, COVID19 hasn’t reached this village!
Looking at photos of these little ones, and then the ones of our kids from our Children’s Church, it’s easy to see the transformation of Jesus that began about three years ago when we met them! Now we pray for the same ability to love and help these little ones!
There are about 100 kids in this village. The need is so great. Please pray with us for radical provision and transformation! Pray with us that God will make a way to visit them during the lockdown. Pray with us that God will make a way to get the provision they need to them during this hard time!
Good Morning!
This week in our Children’s Church
Phew! Along with all the pics above, our volunteers continued all they usually do each week. Our volunteers are the best. They love all the Lord brings to us and they work tirelessly to serve them. Please pray for their safety and protection, for their health and strength, and for the Lord to bless them abundantly.
This week, the doctors who help us recommended this anti-parasite treatment for all the kids. We got it and gave it to them along with the vitamin tonic they also have us give the kids.
Thayamma continues to pray with our volunteers each time they visit. Her faith inspires all in the villages and everyone marvels at the miracle her life is! To those of you who are new, we’ve battled dangerous vipers in the villages. Once bitten, most people die before they can make it to the hospital. Little Joel’s aunt died last year from a viper bite.
Since then, we’ve had asked for consistent prayer against the snakes. And all was clear until last month when Thayamma was bitten. Knowing there was no hope of getting to a hospital, especially during the pandemic, everyone gathered to pray, and she was healed!
Please continue to pray with us for protection and provision for our volunteers and those we serve!
Thank you for your love, your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- When Did The Disciples Receive The Holy Spirit?
- How Can I Increase My Faith?
- More On Our Crowns
- Believing In Jesus
- Who Is Jesus’ God?
- Believing Jesus Is God
- 10 Dimensions
- When Believing Isn’t Enough
- Prosperity Or Prophecy?
- Holy Ghost And Holy Spirit
- The Olivet Discourse
- What’s To Eat?
- Appeasing The Evolutionist
- The Dead Will Rise First
- A Mother’s Faith