Week in review November 10 2018

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico! And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
In India, it’s the rainy season and many are sick. We brought a group to the hospital because many of the kids had fevers, and one of their grandmas has tuberculosis.
After our weekly service this week, little Kiran below was diagnosed with both typhoid and malaria. Please pray for him!
The hospital we use takes such good care of our people and we’re so grateful for them. Kiran will stay at the hospital for several days with IV meds and fluids to make sure he’s okay.
His twin brother also getting checked.
Joel has become quite good at being seen by doctors. He also has had a fever. Please keep them all in prayer.
This is Joel’s aunt, who has epilepsy. We bring her regularly for checkups and for medication.
Please pray! This woman was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She is being treated at the hospital as well.
In Mexico, our kids’ group is growing! We’ve been really focusing on helping them feel secure in this group. They are the poorest in the colony and get picked for not having parents around. Many of them have lost parents and are being raised by one parent or a relative. We want them to have a safe and secure place to come to each week where they know they are loved and accepted!
In India, we were able to get milk powder for all the kids! We’ve had so many new kids it’s hard to make sure we have enough supplies each week for them! It’s a great problem to have!
More scenes from our service:
Praying for India!
This woman brought her goats this week so we could pray over them too!
Videos from the week:
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Ask For Yourself
- The Best Of Our Best?
- Aren’t Trials For Growth And Proving?
- Aren’t Trials For Growth And Proving? Follow Up
- Can We Embarrass God?
- Giving In The Right Spirit
- The Best Of Our Best? Follow Up
- Where Do Our Spirits Go?
- The Duration Of The Plagues of Egypt
- Isn’t Avoiding People The Same As Judging Them?
- Discipline And Punishment
- Who’s Responsible?
- Pain And Suffering
- Concerned About Eternity
- Knowing Whether We’re In God’s Will