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Could This All Happen Again?

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 7, 2016)

Lucifer, a beautiful creation (at that time), a cherub of the throne of God and yet in all the perfection of heaven, sin was found in him, now we who have lived our earthly lives in nothing but sin and saved by the grace through faith of Jesus, will enter into Heaven’s perfection . Will there be a chance sin could be found in any of us? Or will all evil be destroyed when Satan in cast into the lake of fire.

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Which Veil Was Torn?

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 7, 2016)

I have another question concerning the court of the Gentiles. Apparently, in the Jerusalem temple there was a curtain that separated the court of the Gentiles from the rest of the temple. According to some Messianic believers the Gospel account of the rending of the veil at the moment of Jesus death was not the veil in the Holy of Holies at all, but the curtain that separated the court of the Gentiles from the rest of the temple. Since the scriptures don’t specify which curtain, how can we know for sure?

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Sheep Among The Wolves

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 7, 2016)

I have a question about “The Great Commission” in today’s world. I have found churches that emphasize this to the point where new converts are expected to become instant evangelists, as untrained, ill-equipped, and almost Bible-illiterate as they may be. As a result, they don’t do such a great job “saving” others and face failure and frustration at nearly every turn.

This often leads to feelings of discouragement and guilt, as the person thinks they have failed Christ by not filling the church with converts like the Church leaders continuously exhort them to do. One can even doubt their salvation in the throes of all this negative experience, and the joy of being saved and building a personal relationship with God through prayer and study becomes at risk. That’s my two cents. What do you think?

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Keeping The Sabbath

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 5, 2016)

I Just had one question about your answer about the Sabbath day. What I get from your answer is that I am free to commit adultery, steal, take the Lord’s name in vain etc., because you said we don’t have to keep the Sabbath if we don’t want to. What I am saying is the Sabbath day command is part of the 10 commandments and the only one that begins with remember!! If I don’t have to keep this command then I don’t have to keep the other nine. These commands are what defines sin, for sin is the the transgression of the law. (1John 3:4 & Romans 4:15)

The 4th commandment also states what day is the Sabbath, the 7th day Sabbath which is Saturday. There is no proof in the bible that I have found for the keeping of Sunday! There is no proof of the change of the Sabbath from the 7th day to the 1st day either.

The Sabbath was not just an old testament law either, Jesus kept the Sabbath, read Luke 4:16. Jesus even kept the Sabbath when he died for us because He was in the tomb during the Sabbath. Matthew 28:1,Mark 16:2,Luke 24:1& John 20:1. All Christians observe resurrection Sunday, so time has never changed. I think the bible is very clear on this subject. I keep the bible Sabbath because I love the Lord not as a means of getting saved. Please study this subject in more depth, with prayer of course.

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The Apostles’ Creed

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 6, 2016)

When a Catholic (or Episcopalian) recites the Apostles Creed, and sincerely means it, wouldn’t that be the same as the profession we make to be Born Again. If a person believes Christ is the Son of God and came into this world to save us from our sins, and asks for forgiveness, would the formalities of their church services matter with respect to someone being called up in the Rapture?

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Boiled In Oil?

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 6, 2016)

I was asked this question, then, for some reason, I couldn’t think of a place in the Bible to show proof. Hope you can help me. I was asked if it was true that the Apostle John was boiled in oil? I said that yes he was. Then they asked me where in the Bible it said that. I was sort of stumped. I thought maybe the beginning of Revelation, but, I don’t see it there. Could you let me know if the is a place in the Bible that definitely states that John was boiled in oil, and where it is; or, if it is just one of those facts we know about him, but, it’s not in the Bible.

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Losing It All On Judgment Day?

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 5, 2016)

Some people say that even though you are saved, you don’t have eternal life until judgment day. The way I understand them is that you can be saved, but some kind of sin that is not repented of (to cease doing) that comes into your life before you die will cause you to lose your salvation on judgment day. They really are confusing me. Can you clear this up for me?

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Beyond Imagining

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 5, 2016)

Concerning this Scripture: “As it is written: No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit.” (1 Cor. 2:9-10). Please excuse me for asking a dumb question but I don’t know what the last part means or “but God has revealed it to us by His Spirit”. Maybe I’m complicating this verse but I really don’t know what the Spirit has revealed.

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More Powerful Than Satan?

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 4, 2016)

I love your site and appreciate the abundance of useful information you have here. The question I have for you is insignificant, but I’m still curious about it. I was wondering if in our new glorified bodies, would we be more powerful than the demons that bother us on an everyday basis. I was also wondering if we’d be more powerful than Satan once we are glorified. Any insight would be appreciated, thanks a lot.

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When Is Enough Enough?

Published: February 27, 2016 (Originally published: March 4, 2016)

My husband has been trying to help his brother realize the times we are in, that things are getting worse with the country etc. He has become discouraged and is giving up on him and not talking to him. He says that the prophets gave up when no one listened. They were told to dust off their sandals and leave, move on. I disagree. It’s true the disciples were told to dust off their sandals and leave if a town did not accept their teaching. The prophets preached destruction and stayed for a long time. What are your thoughts on this?