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OSAS And Satan’s Fall

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 18, 2009)

I still have a question regarding Satan. If he was in heaven he must have believed in God. He was a guard of God’s throne. He must have at one time loved God. He let the sin of pride creep into him. Isn’t this an early and prime example of how one could lose his or her salvation by turning against God and letting sin take over in one’s life. If you follow the OSAS theology you would have to say that Satan was not really saved or believed in God to begin with. The bible is very clear that Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire.

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Satan Is Alive And Well On Planet Earth

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 19, 2009)

This is from an article I read on another website recently. There are some interesting, and insightful articles on the site, however, this excerpt surprised me.

“The Bible tells us that Satan is the “god of this world.” He is the one guiding and directing the affairs of everyday life. Because he is a spirit, he lacks the ability to act in this physical realm. He uses men to carry out his will.”

I’ve never heard this, and it doesn’t really make sense to me. If Satan was an angel, this shouldn’t be true. The angels were able to “act” in the physical realm of Lot and his family (as well as other passages in the Bible). What are your thoughts on this?

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Am I Doing The Right Thing?

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 19, 2009)

I have a question regarding a calling I thought I had from the Lord but now I’m not as sure as I was. I am a gospel singer. In 2003 I really thought the Lord had called me to sing full time but it has not come to pass. Since that time some doors have opened for me. My favorite is a sports ministry. On Sunday mornings I am allowed to go to softball complexes and and am given a half hour to sing and speak. I am not a preacher but give my testimony, let them know that Jesus loves them and died for them and will save them if they will just believe on him no-matter who they are or what they have done. I usually quote John 3:16 and sometimes a couple more and then give them the opportunity to receive Christ. It has been amazing how many have come to the Lord through this ministry.

I have never made a charge for this ministry and don’t want to. I’m not saying it is wrong for others to charge, but it sickens me to even think about it. Some give but nowhere near enough. I write my own songs and have recorded a couple of Cd’s. I sell some of them but end up giving away more than I sell. I think I will just keep doing what I am doing because I know nothing is more important than winning souls to Christ. Would you go about it a different way if you were me? By the way I work the same job I have had for 26 years but the company is now about to go out of business. Will you please pray the Lord will take care of my family?

Q&A Read More

When Was The Church Born?

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 20, 2009)

Again, thanks for so much wonderful help in understanding the Scriptures. I still don’t have a grasp on this yet. When did the church actually start? Was it when Jesus breathed on the disciples in John 20:22? Or was it at the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2? Weren’t the disciples born again in John 20:22, therefore starting the church, or is that a wrong assumption? We know that Pentecost is a celebration of the first fruits, and that those saved on the Day of Pentecost were the first fruits of the harvest, so does John 20:22 not qualify as the first fruits of the church?

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A Catch-22 Situation?

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 20, 2009)

I have been an avid reader of your website for a few years now & your wisdom and insight into prophecy is truly a God-given gift. In reading your answer to understanding the Bible, you stated that all believers have been given this ability, and faith is the key that unlocks it. I agree 100%. But what about non-believers? In 1 Corinthians 2:14 we read, “The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit.” Isn’t this a type of Catch-22 situation?

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What About Those Who Died Without Knowing God?

Published: October 26, 2016 (Originally published: October 22, 2009)

My son asked me a question about what happened (eternally) to those who lived at the time of the old testament, but maybe were not able to hear about God-will they go to Heaven? I think I remember something in the Bible that they should know there is a God because of the world around them—- Is that partially right? What did happen to those people who did not hear of the one, true God?

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Was Noah Given Contradictory Instructions?

Published: October 25, 2016 (Originally published: October 23, 2009)

I was flying back from Chicago a few days ago, and I had the pleasure of sitting next to a geologist/palentologist. I was curious about all the articles he was reading and we got into a very civilized conversation, and I asked some very pointed questions regarding his scientific methods. It turned out that he was very much a worshiper of science and an atheist. I kept the conversation light, curious, and respectful he did the same. Every time I mentioned the Word of God, or what God has done, and will do, he spouted that God contradicts Himself through out a document written by man with no scientific proof.

His one focused contradiction was in Gensis 6:19-21, and 7:2-3. My response to this was that God was giving specific requirements for certain animals clean/unclean. And yet he still says its contradictory.

So my question to you, what is God actually telling Noah to do in regards to the animals to be stored in the Ark?

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Is Tithing Compulsory?

Published: October 25, 2016 (Originally published: October 3, 2008)

I’m still having a question around tithing. I want to know why Jesus Christ or the New Testament doesn’t reiterate Tithing if its compulsory in the generation of the new covenant?

I don’t find any direct statement in the NT about tithing although I find explicit statements about other things like “Do not Murder.”

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Something The Church Was Never Intended To Be

Published: October 9, 2016 (Originally published: October 7, 2008)

I have seen this pattern over and over: A gifted speaker and leader starts a church that is a great little church with a tight group of believers who enjoy warm fellowship with each other and are excited about following God,…. then over time, as the attendance grows, the church begins to polish up it’s program. Soon the once down-to-earth and accessible pastor starts to upgrade to more formal attire as the attendance swells, the worship team (gag) gets fancier, and then the building fund starts.

When the new building, which everyone is praising God for, is finally erected with it’s sound system and ample rooms for the added staff and programs, the whole enterprise is transformed into something that is far different from what it started out as – and it is not better, just fancier. ( I used the word”enterprise” on purpose). And the pastor, who no longer has time to counsel and console people personally due to all the administrative duties he has now created, starts to delegate these duties to associate pastors and others. It’s like the whole emphasis becomes the church and the program and the new glossy … whatever.

I hate going! I miss the fireside chats and people getting a lump in their throat when talking about King Jesus and the day we will see him. What’s wrong here?

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Increase Our Faith

Published: October 9, 2016 (Originally published: October 9, 2008)

Is it appropriate to ask the Lord to strengthen our belief? And if we can ask Him to do this, how does He go about it?