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Q&A Read More

Financial Debt And The Rapture

Published: July 4, 2024 (Originally published: September 5, 2015)

In your response to the question of how to prepare for the Rapture you said to remove as much debt as possible, or words to that effect. I was a member of a church where the pastor said that debt was not a problem. If the Church was in a lot of debt at the Rapture let Satan and his followers settle with the debt after the Church is gone. What do you think about that?

Q&A Read More

Hand This Man Over To Satan

Published: October 5, 2023 (Originally published: September 6, 2015)

I do not have understanding on 1 Corinthians 5:5. In my bible the heading for vs. 3-5 is “method of judgement for sin in the local church.” Even while I incorporate the literal, historical, grammatical, contextual method, I still cannot reason the meaning of this verse. How does one go about “turning or delivering” one over to Satan? How does one know when to enact such a seemingly cruel action? It doesn’t sound like grace but more like judgement.

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Should We Stay Or Go?

Published: October 5, 2023 (Originally published: September 6, 2015)

The church that our family attends is a typical Baptist church. We have attended for several years and even teach Sunday school there, but the people of the church are just going through the traditional motions. There is no excitement, no anticipation of Christ’s return, and the children’s ministry consists of coloring pictures and eating snacks. There’s a larger Baptist church down the road. We would love to go there instead because there’s excitement, anticipation, and great teaching for adults and children both. The problem is that we feel an obligation to teach our class (high school & college age), and feel like we’re abandoning them by leaving. How should we handle this?

Q&A Read More

Faith To Believe, Faith To Live

Published: October 5, 2023 (Originally published: September 6, 2015)

Where do I find the verses that tell us that the faith for salvation is a special gift from God? The faith for the rest of our Christian life comes from reading the bible and hearing the word preached.

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Where Does The Name Come From?

Published: October 6, 2023 (Originally published: July 4, 2014)

What is the meaning of Yahweh or where does it come from?

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Acquitted and Condemned

Published: October 6, 2023 (Originally published: September 7, 2015)

In Matthew 12:22-37 I know the context is about the Pharisees saying Jesus casts out devils with help of Beelzebub. In verses 36-37 Jesus says “But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.” (NIV)

I don’t understand this to a degree. If we are saved by grace through faith, then by what merit of words will we be acquitted and by what merit words will we be condemned? Will all our words be brought before us at the Judgement Seat to give an account for? I’m struggling with this, and would appreciate any help regarding this. Thank you for your time.

Q&A Read More

Understanding Isaiah 45

Published: October 6, 2023 (Originally published: September 7, 2015)

Isaiah 45 says: I make peace, and create evil.  Please explain this verse to me. Thanks.

Q&A Read More

Children Of God

Published: October 9, 2023 (Originally published: January 8, 2007)

I had a discussion with one of my friends about angels. He was basically arguing that everything created by God is a child of God, including Satan and all the angels. I know that God loves all his creations, but do you think that God considers all his creations his children (including believers, unbelievers, animals, and angels)?