Worship In Heaven
Published: October 2, 2016 (Originally published: January 19, 2015)I am a born again Christian and have been for many years. I love the Lord and I know he is the only answer. However, I know how God loves a humble heart and can’t stand people who are high on themselves. By us worshiping God forever and all the time, is God saying he wants us to be humble but yet he covets all the worship all the time? I know no one else deserves worship, but does God have any humbleness about him? Will we get to do other things in heaven and not just worship him all the time? I know this question might sound bad of me, but i was just hoping that God wasn’t someone who wanted to be exalted all the time.
Soul Sleep
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 2, 2006)How would you form a rebuttal of the teaching that the body and soul are inseparable and no one has gone to heaven with exception to Enoch, Elijah, and Moses?
The Body Of Moses
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 4, 2006)I recently saw a sermon discussing the prophetic implications of this battle over Moses’ body. At the Transfiguration, Moses represents the dead in Christ and the fact that God will resurrect the bodies of the dead in Christ (hence the fight over his body) and Elijah represented those that are alive and will be raptured. Thoughts?
Only Saved If We Keep Confessing?
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 4, 2006)As always thank so much for your wonderful God given insight, you are truly blessed and I have been blessed through your teachings!! Recently you wrote an article about being saved, remaining saved…etc…the age old question….. Well, I have a question about this…I know we keep asking and asking but this is somewhat different.
I too believe that once we have been saved that regardless of our sins we are covered by the blood of Jesus. I believe that we cannot help but sin because our body is sinful. I’ve often heard, “You are saved as long as you ask forgiveness of your sins”, or you repent. I was brought up to always repent of my sins so I ask forgiveness every night.
But…. If we are to believe that we are saved because we ask Jesus into our hearts then it should make sense that asking him to forgive us over and over again is like asking him to save us all over again. For example if someone lived their lives by the statement, “as long as you ask forgiveness of your sins” and got cut off at a traffic light began cussing out the driver and then had an accident and was killed instantly, that person could no way ask for forgiveness and would have unrepentant sin in their life as they died so would that person now become unsaved?
I only ask this because this statement is made over and over again and gosh what a burden one would have over their head every day of their lives. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t repent once we are saved because I believe that it humbles us to repent and to have the Holy Spirit to search our hearts for any unrepentant sin. I’m just saying or asking why? Why put that big “if” in there?
Millennial Sacrifices
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 29, 2007)I’ve been studying about the idea of sacrifices in the millennium and I find that there is an apparent problem. As I read Hebrews 10:1-18 it is essentially saying that Christ died once and for all for our sins and that sin offerings are not what the Lord wants anymore.
You say that the Ezekiel sacrifices are only a memorial and not for sins since Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Here is my problem however, in the book of Ezekiel no where does it say this is done as a memorial. He says these are specifically “sin offerings” and once they become “sin offerings” they cannot come after the cross because this is completely against the teaching of Hebrews which show that sin offerings are no longer required by the Lord because Christ died for sins once and for all. Perhaps I am misunderstanding something and I was wondering what you think?
Islam And The False Prophet Of Rev. 13
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 29, 2007)I appreciate your site so much. I have a question that I have not seen addressed as of yet on your site or anywhere else I’ve looked. It is concerning the Muslim Mahdi and his “commander” who they say will be “Jesus”. Therefore, when this Mahdi of theirs arrives (whom I believe will be the Antichrist), it would seem that his commander “Jesus” would be the False Prophet. Do you feel this is a valid assessment?
Who Else Is Missing?
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 29, 2007)Hello, I want to say thank you for GTF. After surviving a severe stroke, in a very devastated condition, with my assurance of faith under constant attack, your articles have been a much-needed source of strength helping to restore my faith.
I was intrigued to note that America does not appear in the Biblical End times prophecies, and it is indeed ominous for us all.
It made me ask which other presently world-significant nations e.g. France, Germany, the UK., etc. are also absent from the Biblical scenario, I’d value any comment you have the time to give about this.
The Rapture And The Doctrine Of Imminency
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 4, 2006)Is there a specific time of the year for some of the Rapture verses in Scripture? If so,then shouldn’t we know exactly what time of year to be looking for Him to come? For instance in Micah Chapter 7 it speaks of Summer fruits as a time when the Good man has disappeared out of the earth.
My point is this,many say Imminency is a Biblical concept,but if the Word of God is giving a specific time of year for the season of the Rapture then the Word of God has to come to pass exactly as what is written. I hope it is Imminent otherwise we all have to maybe wait a few more months before we can get into the season again. I am struggling with the concept of Imminency if the Scriptures are pin-pointing a specific time of the year. I am open to be taught on the concept of Imminency and how it relates to the Rapture.
Aborted Babies And Life
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 4, 2006)I just read a statistic that there are 126,000 abortions performed every day in the world. This figure both astounded me and made me heart sick. I can’t imagine what God must think about this. I firmly believe as you do that all children under the age of accountability go to be with God at their death. If the above statistic is even close to being right then pretty soon if not already there are going to be more souls with God having gone directly to be with him than souls, going to be with God by saving grace by faith in His Son. I guess I’m asking for your opinion on my thoughts.
Another thought I have is that the bible says that man is appointed once to die, but these poor souls didn’t even have the chance to live. If we are a product of our experiences here on Earth how does a person who never experienced life develop… I must suppose that they develop from their experiences in Heaven.
What Is Hope?
Published: October 1, 2016 (Originally published: October 5, 2006)Hebrews 11:1 says faith is the assurance of things hoped for. Well then, what is hope? Sometimes it seems like I can’t win for losing.