No Age Of Grace?
Published: June 2, 2022I think Jesus as a man (incarnate) limited himself of the full knowledge of God. Part if that limiting was to what was prophesied, which excluded the mystery (age of grace) revealed to us by Paul. With the elimination of the age of grace, the tribulation could have started within the lifetime of some of the apostles and the second coming of Christ (kingdom/millennium) could have begun before all were dead. Could you comment on the logic of my statement?
Is Satan A Force Like Gravity?
Published: June 2, 2022Please remember that the adversary/satan/devil is a spiritual force like gravity. It has always been there. It is not some fallen angel. Lucifer is a mistake caused by the Romans either purposefully or not. Gravity makes babies stronger, it is against our muscles and makes us stonger as long as we walk upright. The adversary makes humans spiritually stronger, as long as we walk upright, holy and perfect. God created all this purposefully. The adversary was also in the beginning, God was not surprised that Adam and Eve would sin, in fact he knew the adversary would get them to fall, that is his job. All people fall and will keep falling, but it is when we get up that we get closer to God, being perfect and holy.
Being Out Of Fellowship
Published: June 1, 2022First, thank you for sharing your God given talent of ministry – your site is a daily stop for me.
On the subject of prayer, you have written that we can’t petition the Lord while we’re out of fellowship, except to ask for forgiveness and receive restoration. I was wondering if you could expand on that further.
Christians In The Great Tribulation
Published: June 1, 2022For those left behind who ultimately come to Christ after the Rapture, what scripture or thoughts might you have regarding self defense ? Being that the world will quickly go crazy, overt violence the order of the day, then too the mandate which will lead to the persecution of Christians those refusing the mark of the beast, bodies could stack up like cord wood. I have to believe that not all Christians will want to go quietly as sheep lead to the slaughter. Admittedly, the overwhelming power of the Anti-Christ will be daunting to say the least; but still are not those left behind charged with the responsibility to fight till the end?
Father, Son, And Holy Spirit
Published: June 1, 2022When we are in Heaven with God, will the Holy Spirit be there, and will we see Him? Are Father, Son and Holy Spirit three equal entities or is there a descending order? I notice many times in the New Testament that Father and Son are mentioned together, but rarely is the Holy Spirit included.
Satan’s Fall From Heaven
Published: May 31, 2022Do you think the rapture happens as the dragon is cast out of heaven? I wouldn’t want to be around when he is cast down and confined and angry. It’s interesting that Jesus comes with the archangel but it doesn’t say with a great host of angels. Perhaps the angels are kicking butt and clearing the rebel angles out and getting things ready for us. When Jesus said He saw Satan fall like a lightening bolt, how does that fit in to the war in heaven when He is confined to earth?
The Centurion And The Sons Of The Kingdom
Published: May 31, 2022I have a question about something that was thrown into the middle of the conversation between Jesus and the centurion in Matthew chapter 8. In 8:11 and 12, Jesus goes from marveling at the faith of the centurion to telling His followers about people eating with Abraham Isaac and Jacob (the Jewish people) in the Kingdom of Heaven but those that already live there (the children of the Kingdom) will be tossed out. Is this referring to the angelic realm? I’m really confused.
Who Lives In The Mansions?
Published: May 31, 2022The Bible says, “In my Fathers house are many mansions.” Who lives or will live in those mansions?
Does The Lord Test Us?
Published: May 30, 2022I was wondering your thoughts on God testing us. I’ve only heard this taught one time, Deuteronomy 8:2 says that God tests us in order to know what is in our heart, whether or not we will keep his commands. If taken literally, or at least the way I take it, the LORD brings things across my path to see how I will respond… Will I chose to act in faith on his word, or be in fear. Will I choose to obey or not and so on and so forth. Is this correct? If so it would give a different outlook on “problems” we encounter on a day to day basis.
Jesus … God And Man
Published: May 30, 2022It seems to me that Jesus gave up his divinity when He became a man. He was still God and man but in order to pay the price to redeem us he had to do it as a sinless man. I don’t believe he ever used His divine power to do any of the works that He had done, but that He operated only in faith. Otherwise Satan could have said he (God) was operating illegally in the Earth.