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The Bridal Week
Published: March 7, 2016 (Originally published: February 16, 2016)In Genesis 29:27 – 35, I find it curious that Jacob was to complete Leah’s Week amidst a group of 7 years for the hand (if you will) of both Leah and Rachel. I’m assuming that the week with Leah was an actual 7 day week and not a week of 7 years? Does the story of Jacob with Laban working for Leah and Rachel have any indications of timing in Israel’s end time scenario?
Judging Angels
Published: February 12, 2016 (Originally published: February 17, 2016)Were angels created with free will? If Lucifer fell from grace by exercising free will in declaring himself God’s equal, and about one-third of the remaining angels in heaven apparently did the same and followed Lucifer when he was banished to earth, does that mean that any of the remaining two-thirds of the angel complement still remaining with God in heaven could yet deny God and also be banished to earth to dwell in Satan’s realm? And will fallen angels be judged in The Great White Throne Judgment, or is that reserved for human unrepentant sinners only?
Thank you for continuing to render concise clarity to the matrix of God’s teachings.
Another Gospel
Published: February 12, 2016 (Originally published: February 17, 2016)In Galatians 1:6-7 Paul says if any man or an angel from heaven preached any other gospel than the one he preached (The Gospel of Grace) or (The Gospel in 1 Cor 15:1-4), let him be accursed. We know Paul was the Apostle to the gentiles. The only other gospel is the Gospel of the Kingdom which was for the Jews. It seems that Paul is saying that the things that come out of the gospel of the kingdom should not be preached to the Church unless its in accord with what He preached. How do you see this ?
Should We Tithe On Deferred Income?
Published: February 18, 2016 (Originally published: February 17, 2016)Many companies have gone bankrupt in past few years and have changed the accounting on what is the Gross(first fruit)- I assume that monies that were deferred to a retirement under a defined benefit plan would be tithed on when one receives it since there is no dollar amount associated with that future, deferred income.
Now, a lot of companies have placed the retirement income, deferred income, in a defined contribution plan, with an actual dollar amount associated with it. It is under my responsibility to manage, but it is a future income, deferred income, that I may or may not get because our future time on earth is not guarnteed. However, both are the same , retirement income or deferrred income. The management of those funds have just changed.
So what is considered first fruits in both cases? What about IRA’s? I am not talking about deferrred investment income. I believe that is what God blesses and is first fruit. However, I am really confused on retirement because of the many ways retirement is handled: Pensions, Seps, Social security, 401ks, 401A, IRAs, DB plans, DC plans. Please give me your input, and any scripture to support it .
The Purpose Of The Church
Published: February 12, 2016 (Originally published: February 15, 2016)The question I have is this ; “What is the Purpose of the Church Age when Gentiles will also be saved in the Tribulation ?”
Why Does Satan Hate Us?
Published: February 12, 2016 (Originally published: February 16, 2016)Why do Satan and his demons hate us and want us to not make it to Heaven?
Reconciling God’s Anger With His Love
Published: February 12, 2016 (Originally published: February 15, 2016)I’ve always heard the phrase “God loves the sinner, but hates the sin” and we are called to do the same. Because God is love, I am convinced that He truly loves all even the sinners (as stated in Romans 5:8). But I read in Psalms 5:5 and Psalms 11:5 that he hates the workers of iniquity, and those that love violence. How do we reconcile this?
It Is Written
Published: February 9, 2016 (Originally published: February 12, 2016)When Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert our Lord said “it is written”. Where was it written? What was he referring to? I want to thank you for your site, I visit several times a day.
Choosing To Sin
Published: February 11, 2016 (Originally published: February 13, 2016)I appreciate your site more than you will ever know. I teach a class on Thursday morning in the county prison near my home. I am current using your material on Romans and Psalms.
The inmates really enjoy your articles and teaching. May God continue to bless you and your family.
In my Sunday school class this past Sunday the question was ask “Could Jesus have sinned when He was on earth if He had chosen to?” We are all in agreement that He did not sin, but most of the class believes He was incapable of sinning because He was also God. We all agree He was 100 percent man and 100 percent God. However, I am of the opinion that if He was truly 100 percent man He could have sinned if He had chosen to. Otherwise I could say sure He didn’t sin He was God but I am not a God so He really wasn’t tempted as I am because HE knew He could not Sin.
Blessing Those Who Bless Israel
Published: February 9, 2016 (Originally published: February 12, 2016)Where in the Bible does it say “if you bless my people I will Bless you.” Our nation has been blessed because we have supported the Jewish people and Israel all these years up to now. If we pressure them to give up more of their land for peace and no longer seem to support them, will God judge us for this action?