Ask a Bible Teacher

Teach Your Children Well

Published: September 10, 2015

As I grow and learn all that God wants to teach me, I’m more and more burdened for my children. (ages 11, 8, and 5). Last night, during our evening family devotion, the older two began asking questions that tied in with end-times and were related to a passage in Thessalonians we had just read. Their sentiments were of course those of fear that they might get left behind or have to endure hardship in the last days. I tried to comfort them by telling them that instead of worrying over what might happen, they should be mostly concerned about their salvation and their personal relationship with the Lord. (The older two have made professions of faith but still are learning about faith and what it is to be a follower of Jesus Christ). I don’t want to burden them with deep teachings that their little minds can’t yet comprehend, but I do want to help prepare them to meet our Lord. Do you know of or can you recommend any Biblically sound literature or resources for children their age that I might study and implement in our devotion time?

Man’s Life Span

Published: September 8, 2015

I am new to reading the Bible and am confused about a piece in Genesis where God shortens the lifespan of people to 120 years. At first I see that people were living 800-900+ years for several generations after Adam and Eve. Then in Genesis 6:3 it seems like He shortens the life of man saying:

“And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” (KJV)

Then I realized, well Noah (mentioned only sentences later) lived hundreds of years longer than the 120 years mentioned in Gen 6:3, so I must have misinterpreted the meaning of the verse. To whom does that verse apply since it’s not applicable today? Thanks for your input.

On Being Called

Published: September 8, 2015

I know this is not an easy concept to understand but I’m hoping very much you can shed some light on predestination. I read in the Word of God about the ‘called’ of God, example Romans 1:8. Does this mean that before the earth was created God decided who He wanted to save as this is the way it seems to read to me. Yet, I am to believe that all men are responsible for their own salvation. I have read God knew from before the earth was created who would accept His call. But still the way many Scriptures read it does seem to say God chose certain people to be His. What is it that you believe about this? Thanks again for your help.

The Jezebel Spirit

Published: September 8, 2015

I’m writing to you about this subject (Jezebel Spirit) because I respect your Biblically based, balanced analysis of the scriptures.

What do you know about the Jezebel Spirit? In my church, this term is ascribed to various people, usually women. Authors like Francis Frangipane have written books on this subject and offer extensive information on their websites about it.

Is Grace Really Sufficient?

Published: September 8, 2015

I’m having a struggle that always pops up and after hearing a radio show today, it’s kinda pushed it’s way back in again.

The show was based on this idea of “false converts”, and whether or not if after you accept Jesus, if you continue in a “living in sin” life style or “jumping in with both feet” as opposed to the occasional slipping into sin, it could effect your salvation… In other words, if you continue in this behavior, were you ever saved to begin with?

So here’s what I struggle with… where do you draw the line, or do you? For example, if you enjoy watching a TV show–and I’m convinced that there’s no shows on public TV that wouldn’t contain some sort of sinful behavior–then are you repeatedly sinning by watching it and therefore effecting your salvation? It gets to the point that I can be so self-analyzing that I start down a negative road of not feeling good enough. How do you work out whether you have your “eyes fixed on Him” in a healthy way or you are completely paranoid that you will be categorized as “luke warm” and not be taken up?

I have to admit, the Bible has some scary verses that don’t sound so simple as just believing. Is this how it should be? Is this the Holy Spirit talking? If you can provide some clarity, I’d appreciate it much.

To Tithe Or Not To Tithe

Published: September 7, 2015

I am enjoying your articles on GraceThruFaith, however, I have a question about New Testament tithing. Where in any of the NT epistles (not the Gospels) is the NT believer told specifically to “tithe”? (giving 10% of gross income).

My husband and I do not “tithe”, but we give “what God purposes in our hearts to give” and we give 100% of that. I believe giving has nothing to do with “how much”, but has everything to do with the heart of the giver.

New Testament Tithing, Follow Up

Published: September 7, 2015

If, as you say, tithing is a minimum standard, where in the NT does it say that the minimum standard is 10%?

The purpose of biblical tithing in the OT was to support the Levites, who were not allowed possess any property on which they could raise any stock or crops. Tithing, in essence, was food for the Levites. What is the purpose of NT tithing, since there is no temple and no Levitical priesthood to receive the tithe?

Christian World View Defined

Published: September 7, 2015

In several lessons you have referred to a “Christian world view.” I’m don’t understand the concept as you use it. If you have written a lesson that explains the concept, please direct me to it. If there is no lesson that specifically defines, explains, and provides instructions for achieving it, I would greatly appreciate that information.

What Is The Role Of A Pastor?

Published: September 7, 2015

What is your description of a pastor? How involved in someone’s life do you think a pastor should be? At what point does it interfere with that person’s own responsibility to seek out God’s voice for themselves and become something more like an oracle sought at every decision made?

Where Was Lazarus?

Published: September 7, 2015

Since I discovered your web site on Internet It’s been really a blessing for my soul and spirit. I know God our Lord Jesus is guiding you and I thank Him for doing so. I pray that He will always use you as He’s doing it today.

I had a talk with a friend. I know he has some knowledge about Scriptures, but sometimes I feel he’s a little awkward of what he understands from the Word.

He just recently asked me if I knew where Lazarus was at the time Jesus came to resurrect him. I told him that from what I have read in Scriptures, He was supposed to be in Paradise (sheol), which was the place for saints to go after they have departed. He said that Jesus didn’t mention anything about paradise, and that Jesus said that Lazarus was asleep. He believes Lazarus wasn’t dead and that he might have been in another state of mind. Would you please shed any light on this passage?