Are There Degrees Of Sin?
Published: August 31, 2015I do not believe God considers all sin to be the same. I base this on the words of Jesus. He was responding to Pilate who had said, “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” In John 19:11, “Jesus answered, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” I realize that any sin, no matter the magnitude by our earthly standards, separates us from God. We all need salvation through Jesus. Even so, don’t you think that Jesus’ words in John 19:11 means that God does in fact see sin in degrees?
Does Everyone He Calls Come To Him?
Published: August 31, 2015You said in one of your posts that God won’t call those who won’t come, but I know there’s a verse in the bible that says the Holy Spirit will quit coming to you eventually if you don’t respond. So how is that not also calling people who won’t come? Please help me understand this.
Money And Status In Heaven
Published: August 31, 2015When Christians are raptured and go through the Bema Seat judgement, we’re rewarded for what we did while we are on Earth for God. Is it possible to grow, to gain more treasure and earn a more prestigious position (governing 5 cities instead of just one) when we are in the New Jerusalem? Or will our actions on earth all we will be rewarded for? Also, do you think the treasure we store up in Heaven might have something to do with a monetary system we’ll we’ll use to buy and sell there?
Why Is the Lord’s Name Translated Into Every Language?
Published: August 31, 2015Why was the name of Jesus changed with the translation of scripture? When you translate what I’m saying in my mother tongue into English you don’t also translate my name into English. Why was His name is not kept in its Hebrew form since He was born a Jew?
Where’s Their Kingdom?
Published: August 30, 2015I find it interesting that everything I read in your responses has the church living in a different location than God’s chosen people for eternity. I’m confused about the kingdom of God. It seems to be offered to the disciples who became part of the church. It says they would be rulers in the kingdom of God. Are the Jews not part of that kingdom?
Wrath Of The Anti-Christ?
Published: August 30, 2015It seems that people who don’t believe in the rapture see the tribulation time period as the wrath of the anti-Christ only – a persecution of Christians being allowed by God. Is it accurate to say that the tribulation time period is the wrath of God being unleashed after the rapture, and that the anti-Christ is using the time to make himself God while he can?
Is Satan A Physical Being?
Published: August 28, 2015In a recent post you said that Satan was not a physical being. With which passages from the Bible can you prove this?
Why Create People Who Will Die?
Published: August 28, 2015I understand that God sees all past present and future. He knows those who will choose to live for him and those who will reject him, even before He creates them. Why would He create someone knowing that they will die and go to hell?
Will We Inherit The Earth?
Published: August 28, 2015Can you tell me what it means when it says “we shall inherit the earth” like in the beatitudes – I know that we will rule with Jesus during the Millennium but could you help me understand this better?
Why Did Jacob Cross His Hands?
Published: August 28, 2015Re: Genesis 48:12-20. Could you answer a rather difficult question? What is the prophetic meaning of Jacob’s crossed hands blessing on Manesseh and Ephraim? And, where are those tribes today?