Ask a Bible Teacher

Out Of Fellowship But In The Rapture?

Published: October 8, 2012

I have read your Union and fellowship theory, but am still bothered. When you are in the unchangeable union with God and the Holy spirit is bestowed upon you as he promised, but your fellowship is infrequent (being human) will you still be raptured considering the fact that you are not holy as a result of sin? If yes, people would have the idea that they can sin but would still be raptured. Please explain. I find this disturbing.

Will The 70th Week Be Left Incomplete?

Published: October 6, 2012

Re: Daniel’s 70th Week. If the anti- Christ violates the terms of the agreement and makes the temple unfit for worship after three and a half years that still leaves the seven years incomplete. How is this overcome?

Three Kings Of Daniel 11. Follow Up

Published: October 4, 2012

I forwarded your article, The Three Kings Of Daniel 11, to certain individuals and received a reply from one of them to the effect that the prophecies have already been fulfilled in history. He wanted to know what makes you think they’re applicable to today’s events. Care to tackle the question?

Will We Remember Friends And Family?

Published: October 4, 2012

At the Rapture we will be given new immortal bodies. Will the spirit that existed at the time of death here on earth be reinstated into that new body with all the memories, knowledge of times and people that was in that the old body know, as well? I’m thinking of my wonderful dad, whom I lost recently, I want him to know me when we see one another again; as with all my friends, family, etc…is this what I can look forward to? I know all previous relationships are done at death; and once in heaven we’re all sisters/brothers in Christ, but will the knowledge of knowing each other from specific earthly relationships remain?

More On Divorce And Remarriage

Published: October 3, 2012

It’s my understanding that the bible does not forbid a person from divorcing an unfaithful spouse. It’s also my understanding that a divorced person who remarries someone else is committing adultery. What if a person divorces an unfaithful spouse and then remarries someone else? Is this adultery?

Are Lustful Thoughts Sins?

Published: October 2, 2012

I am a high school student. Is it a sin for me to have lustful thoughts for my girl friend even if we’re not going to do any thing until marriage?

A Counterfeit Jesus?

Published: October 1, 2012

I’m sure you saw that Ahmadinejad told the United Nations that Al Mahdi was coming back soon in the company of Jesus Christ. Since his side and our side seem to be looking at the same guy and situation through polar opposite filters, doesn’t it seem more logical and effectual that the whole world would be united and deceived through a counterfeit Jesus Christ instead of some apparition of Mary?

New Bodies Or Different Bodies?

Published: October 1, 2012

Will our earthly bodies be changed into glorified bodies, or will our earthly bodies be left here on earth when we are raptured, while we are then given new glorified bodies. This question has an effect on dead believers’ bodies, too. Will their dead earthly bodies be resurrected and changed to glorified bodies, or will the dead bodies just remain on earth while their spirits are given new glorified bodies?

Is My Mother Saved Or Not?

Published: September 29, 2012

My mother is currently going to an Episcopal church and is OK with women holding a man’s office, and does not believe that Jonah really got swallowed by a whale for three days. However, she does believe that the only way to heaven is by believing Jesus died for our sins. My husband says she is following false doctrine and does not follow the Jesus of our Bible and is not saved. I say it is not our place to question anyone’s salvation, that only God knows our heart. What do you say?

Will The Renewed Earth Be Ruined?

Published: September 27, 2012

If the Renewed Earth comes at the beginning of the millennium wouldn’t it be ruined by the unbelievers who die in it? and wouldn’t Satan’s rebellion of Rev 20 and the fire from heaven have drastic consequences?