Ask a Bible Teacher

Is There Enough Time If The Rapture Comes Now?

Published: July 19, 2008

I have frequently heard it said that nothing else has to happen before the rapture can take place. This may be true, but it seems like there is to much left to take place, for it all to happen after the rapture, if the rapture was to occur now. I do realize that the last seven years doesn’t start at the occurrence of the rapture, but at the time of the seven year peace contract between Israel and the anti-Christ.

The Star Of Betlehem

Published: July 17, 2008

I was thinking about the so called Star of Bethlehem. Do you think it was really a giant star in the sky that the whole earth could see or was it something that only those who knew where to look would have recognized?

The Mediterranean Union

Published: July 17, 2008

It seems like yesterday that I was writing to you asking about the proposed 10 year peace treaty Jimmy Carter has drawn up yet here I am today ready to bring up a new development that I would really like to hear your thoughts on. I just read an article that says that a meeting will take place on July 13, 2008. The prophetic significance of this meeting? Nothing short of this statement: ‘the Union for the Mediterranean or Mediterranean Union will be geographically identical to the Roman Empire and will be the power base which will give rise to the Antichrist’ Your thoughts on this?

End Times Revival?

Published: July 13, 2008

I believe you may have touched on this in past comments/articles, but I was wondering if you could address this head on: Does the Bible discuss a time of “Great Revival” at the end of the age? Many church leaders speak of a “great awakening” or a “wave” of revival, where the Holy Spirit is going to take the world by storm in the end times…and I’m not sure this is correct. Unfortunately.

Does God Heal People Today?

Published: July 10, 2008

I take your commentary (on healing) to mean that you believe that God/Jesus heals people today on earth. Do you believe that God will heal you if you pray and are anointed with oil etc?

I worked as a nurse for 20 years and eventually sustained a life-altering injury at work that disabled me from severe back pain. I have prayed incessantly, repented, been anointed by the elders, read books on healing, had constant prayer by hundreds of believers and called out to God on a 24/7 basis begging and appropriating my healing. I have been in severe unrelenting pain now for almost a decade without healing in sight. I do not have any unconfessed sins, I hold no anger or I am not participating in any sinful acts so it cannot be me. I am a repentant, born again Christian who tithes.


The Rise And Fall Of The West

Published: July 10, 2008

I firmly believe that the world view of an individual is based on his spiritual condition and how important the Word of God is in his life. Because of this belief, I have encountered an argument that I have no answer on.

I believe that what the West is experiencing (innovations and technology, wealth, “stable” governments, “relative” peace, etc) is part of their spiritual heritage and what the East, Middle-east, South-America and Africa is experiencing is due to their worship of pagan gods. The eroding of the Western society is because they have turned their back on God, His word and principles.

The argument used against my view is: “Look at the great civilizations of the past – Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon, Greece, Romans, etc. and the more modern Napoleon, even Hitler and the communist regimes? There was the same things as in the West (innovations and technology, wealth, “stable” governments, “relative” peace, etc) and their end was the same as what the end of the West will be.”

How do I answer this?

Different Punishments, Different Rewards

Published: July 10, 2008

I was reading your article “Case for Eternal Punishment” and found it very interesting. Though when you get down to the brass tacks of it all we as believers will really not know what Eternal Punishment will be like. I for one cannot even imagine how terrible it would be to be separated from my LORD and my GOD.

But the human nature in us all makes us so curious. I was of the mind that there would be different punishments merited out in hell along with the major punishment of separation.

I have read that once we are with the LORD and he puts the refining fire to our works what is left will show what position of authority we would have in his kingdom. The author put it that once saved always saved but we all will be doing different things when we are in the kingdom.

He was always talking vaguely of the different amounts of rewards (treasures) that each person would build up in heaven.

That got me thinking that if a person is to have eternal punishment then there would be different levels of that punishment, just as eternal life has different levels of rewards.

What Will We Do During The Tribulation?

Published: July 7, 2008

I am trying to determine what those of us who are raptured will be doing during the tribulation. John describes to us what he saw in heaven after being raptured himself. But, this is not entirely clear. What will we be doing? Will we be enjoying the presence of the Lord? Hanging out in the room the Lord has prepared for us? Or, will we be able to see the events taking place on earth? What is your view?

Saving My Son

Published: July 7, 2008

When I was sixteen years old I became pregnant. My future husbands parents insisted that I end the pregnancy and since it was not legal in Canada at the time they gave us the money and sent us off to New York to have it performed.

At the last minute I heard in my mind that I was strong enough to get up out of that bed and tell them I didn’t want to kill my unborn child. I had always been a very meek young girl, and for me to just do this was not in my power. I felt a presence with me that gave me that courage to tell the doctor that I had changed my mind and wanted to cancel it.

What hurts me the most is that son is now 35 years old and has told me he doesn’t know if Jesus is real. Do you think that Jesus would have gone to all the trouble of seeing me through that horrible time to save my child, but would now let him perish? How can I convince my son of His existence?

Not Sure My Husband Is Saved

Published: July 3, 2008

My husband has supposedly received Christ. He teaches Sunday School (mainline denomination) and has even been on the “Walk to Emmaus” spiritual retreat. However, he is very liberal in his thinking and the CBS Evening News presented findings about the percentage of Christians and non-Christians alike who believe that other religions offer a way to salvation other than Jesus. My husband watched it with great interest and said when it was over that “he hadn’t been struck by lightning” for watching the program.

What can I say to him? He thinks my “obsession” with prophecy is just that – an obsession! If he continues on this path of other options what will happen to him? I firmly believe the end-time puzzle pieces are “floating” into place every day. The worldly part of me wants to tell him that he is going to get left behind, but he will not listen to that. I have to wonder if he really is saved!!!

Thank you so much for your website. I read it every day and gain so much spiritually because you lead us right back to the Word!!!