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You searched for: Old Testament salvation

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Old Testament Salvation

Published: March 30, 2012 (Originally published: March 29, 2012)

Where does it say in the Bible that Old Testament believers need only to believe in the coming redeemer to be saved. Also, how does that correlate with animal sacrifices. Does it mean as long as they believed, they really did not have to sacrifice?

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Pre-Church And Post-Church Salvation

Published: August 3, 2016 (Originally published: September 13, 2010)

My question has to do with salvation during the Old Testament, New Testament, and during the tribulation. I am still a little confused about how people were saved in the Old Testament, and how they will be saved during the tribulation. I understand that in this age of grace, we are saved by trusting that Jesus died on the cross as a propitiation for our sins, but were the Old Testament patriarchs saved by believing on a coming savior, or did they have to meet certain behavioral requirements as well, in essence making it a type of faith-plus-works salvation? And will that also be the case for Tribulation believers?

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How Did They Know?

Published: March 28, 2016 (Originally published: March 28, 2016)

Re: Saving Old Testament Saints. I looked in my concordance to see where the first time that the name of Jesus was used and it appeared that it was the first of Matt. So, how did the Old Testament saints know that they had to believe in Jesus in order to be saved? What was the exact time that that information was made known to humanity and how did it occur?

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Profaning The Sabbath

Published: March 28, 2023 (Originally published: March 4, 2010)

I have a question about Isaiah 56:1,2 and 58:13,14. What is profaning the Sabbath and how can we, as believers, apply these passages to our lives?

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Salvation Before The Cross

Published: June 27, 2010 (Originally published: June 26, 2010)

How were old testament prophets like Abraham and those who lived in China, India, or Samaria saved?

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Eternal Security In The Old Testament?

Published: June 4, 2011 (Originally published: June 3, 2011)

Would I be wrong to believe that the Jews in the Old Testament had a kind of Eternal Security? They were able,no matter what the sin to sacrifice an animal and be forgiven. If we who believe in Jesus’ sacrifice for us were to sacrifice an animal,it would be blasphemous. So if we are able to be lose our salvation for sinning, it would appear that the old covenant is better than the new covenant! Am I seeing this correctly?

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Are Christians Subject To Leviticus?

Published: September 21, 2014 (Originally published: February 1, 2009)

I was reading the book of Leviticus about all the laws (covenant) that God told to Moses concerning the Israelites. Is this a Jewish thing or should all Christians follow these laws, today. If so, we are in a lot of trouble. I know many people that eat pork and marine life “that have no fins.” Also, I have read a lot about dual-theology! Can you explain? It is like Jews and Christians are different in God’s eyes.

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Are All Jews Saved?

Published: June 23, 2006 (Originally published: June 23, 2006)

I have read the responses to the question “Are all Jews Saved?” and am confused. First, the Jews of the Old Testament who trusted in God are saved under the Old Testament right? Secondly, the Bible tells us that God blinded the Jewish people to Jesus in order to fulfill the “time of the Gentiles.”

To say that God would blind a nation of people to Jesus and salvation AND not maintain the Old Covenant with them seems unimaginable for a loving, forgiving God.

What you’re saying is that ALL Jews from Jesus to Revelation, except for the few Messianic Jews, are going to hell because God blinded them to the truth of Jesus and the cross. You’re saying that all of the terrible things done to the Jews, many in the name of Christianity, are simply their sentence for being Jewish.

In effect you’re saying that God condemned them to eternity in hell because some tribe and nation had to be an example and a people for all of the world to hate in order to fulfill God’s plan.

I believe that the Old Covenant must be in effect throughout the “time of the Gentiles” for those Jews who keep it. Doesn’t this make more sense, doesn’t this describe our Creator better?

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How Are People Saved During The Tribulation?

Published: February 7, 2009 (Originally published: February 6, 2009)

If the Holy Spirit is sealed within us and we’re raptured before Daniel’s 70th Week begins, how are people saved during the seven year tribulation period?

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Faith Plus Works

Published: March 25, 2022 (Originally published: March 12, 2012)

You’ve written that the old testament saints were saved if they died believing that God would fulfill His promise to send the Redeemer (Genesis 12:3). Although they never saw Him, their faith saved them. Perfect, I got it. But you’ve oft times also written that the Holy Spirit deals differently with the church than any other group of people. I believe that too. Therefore OT saints (like post-rapture believers will) had to remain faithful in order to keep their salvation because they are not sealed with the Holy Spirit like church age people are. But doesn’t this imply a works-based salvation rather than a faith-based one? If their faith in the coming Messiah saved them, they shouldn’t have to “work” to keep that salvation.