Am I Free To Marry Again?


I married young (19) and after 15 years of marriage my husband and I divorced due to my infidelity. Six years later, I remarried. That second marriage lasted less than a year after I found out that he was molesting my daughters. My first husband and I are at the point where I would like for us to reconcile. I have asked his forgiveness for my infidelity and he says he forgave me long ago.

I am truly sorry for the way I treated him in the past and would like the chance to be his wife again. I have also asked God to forgive me and help me to be the wife and mother I should have been. I feel in my heart that God wants my first husband and I to reconcile. We have children together and I believe he is the man God had chosen for me from the beginning. But am I free to marry again?


If your second husband molested your daughters he’s guilty of adultery and your divorce from him is legitimate. Based on your story, I doubt whether the Lord recognized your marriage to him in the first place. Confess your sins to God and re-marry your first husband if the two of you agree it’s the right thing to do and believe the Lord wants this for you.