Is The Rapture Coming Soon?


Thank you for a most fantastic website! A friend of mine told me about this site, and I’m so grateful. This question has been bothering me ever since my friend and I had breakfast last week. I know that Satan was given a lease over the earth for 6000 years. I asked her if we’ve been on the earth for 6000 years yet. If so, then we really are in the last days, and if so, when would the rapture take place? She seemed to indicate most likely somewhere between 2018 and 2037. No one knows the exact time, but do you think this time frame is correct?


I think your friend actually got those dates from me, but she misquoted them. What I’ve been saying is that I believe all end times prophecies including the 2nd Coming can take place as early as 2018 but no later than 2037. The Rapture of the Church could literally take place at any moment now, and will happen as soon as the full number of members intended for the Church become believers. (Romans 11:25)