Ask a Bible Teacher

Does God Function That Way?

Published: March 8, 2024

I have a disabled son. He has a variety of problems. It seems new “conditions” keep getting added on. We have prayed for years for healing, but he just gets worse. A family member told me; “God’s plan for your son is a short life full of pain but He has a purpose in that pain”. Does God function that way?

God’s Chosen People. Follow Up

Published: March 8, 2024

You have given 4 reasons why God chose the Jews, which have all been fulfilled. Why then do we still refer to them as God’s Chosen or special people today? Please explain Gal.3:26-29 and the book of Ephesians plus many more which tell us we are now one.

Staying Close To God

Published: March 7, 2024

If Christ has forgiven our sins for eternity (Heb 10:14), and we now repent (change/renew our minds) and no longer ask forgiveness of sins, why does Christ teach us to ask “forgive our debts (sins) as we forgive our debtors”?

I’m Perplexed

Published: March 7, 2024

I’m writing because I’ve been rather perplexed for quite some time over the issue of those who profess Christ as Savior yet their behavior does not reflect having the Holy Spirit inside them. I’m certainly not standing in judgment because I too am a wretched sinner, but I see over and over in the church those who have “called on the name of the Lord” but show little evidence of the power and influence of the Spirit. Is it possible to claim Jesus as Savior but not be saved? I see in 2 Peter 2:1 that there are false prophets/teachers who deny the Lord Who bought them. Were they ever saved or not?

Meal Time Prayer

Published: March 7, 2024

The blessing at meal-time has become a source of derision in our family. The repetitive nature of it makes my skin crawl each time it is said. Also, it is my belief that the head of the household should say the evening meal prayer. But my husband disagrees. He feels everyone should take turns saying it. Now nobody wants to. I wish it was lovely and different each time and that we could include things that are happening in our family and ask for specific blessings, etc. But is that more like a regular prayer and not a meal-time blessing?

God’s Will Or Ours?

Published: March 6, 2024

Hi, I have a friend who watches a lot of TV “preachers”. He told me that when we pray, if we say, “let Your will be done” after we have made a request of God, that will ultimately cancel our prayer. He learned this from one of those televangelists. Where does this teaching come from?? Aren’t we supposed to pray in God’s will? If it isn’t within God’s will for us, why would we want it anyway?

Are We Really Forgiven?

Published: March 6, 2024

I was surfing the net, when I came upon a site where someone wrote with concerns about our sins not really being forgiven. The respondent quoted II Cor. 5:10, saying we’ll have to give an accounting of what we’ve done on earth, whether good or bad. I thought God has forgiven all our sins. What gives?

Habitual Sin

Published: March 6, 2024

I realize that we all – by definition – struggle with sin. But what if you’re someone who habitually commits X sin without any intention of stopping? I know all a believer has to do is ask in order for the Lord to forgive them, but I can’t help but feel I have no “right” to ask for forgiveness if my heart isn’t set on gradually erasing that sin out of my life; in other words, I’m asking the Lord to forgive me my sins, but not asking Him to help me with the strength to overcome them. Is that in itself another sin to confess?

OSAS And 2 Peter 1:5-10

Published: March 5, 2024

In 2 Peter 1:5-10, Peter says to make your calling and election sure by growing in your faith so one does not “fall away”. Does this mean I could lose my salvation?

Effectual Fervent Prayer

Published: March 5, 2024

Re: James 5:16. I am wondering how one prays an “effectual fervent” prayer? Does God require a certain level of emotion (fervency) to see prayer answered? How does one motivate oneself to such a level of intensity? Does it apply to certain kinds of prayer or all types?