What Are the Criteria?
Published: August 15, 2024The past week I have been bothered by two questions that are connected by, I fear, our works: “How are our heavenly treasures determined” and “How are our roles in heaven determined”?
OSAS And Romans 8:6,13
Published: August 14, 2024I believe in OSAS, as the Bible clearly teaches it. However, I am finding more and more people (especially in my bible study group) using different scriptures to counter OSAS, which does not make sense to me. The most common one I have seen used is Romans 8:6 and 13 where Paul speaks of the fleshly mind is death (physical and spiritual) and that whoever lives according to the flesh will die spiritually, but whoever lives according to the spirit will live. How does this relate to believers?
Where’s The Repentance?
Published: August 14, 2024When I became a believer 5 years ago, I couldn’t find an appropriate church and so your site taught me most of what I know. I sincerely appreciate the effort you put into it. My question has to do with belief in Christ being all we need for salvation. My husband says he believes and has a clear understanding of Christ and God. He became a believer shortly after I did. He occasionally reads his Bible and listens to Christian music. However, I feel as though he is not repenting of certain sins. Don’t we need repentance as well?
OSAS And 2 Peter 3:17
Published: August 14, 2024I am doing a study on 2nd Peter and am having trouble answering a question. My question deals with 2 Peter 3:17, which is a warning from Peter. I understand the warning but my study question asks, “what does this show regarding once saved, always saved”. Can you help me understand?
OSAS And Romans 11:22
Published: August 13, 2024Romans:11:22 contains the phrase, “Otherwise you also will be cut off.” So does this mean that we can we lose our salvation, If we do not continue in His goodness?
Who Was Bar Abbas?
Published: August 13, 2024Who was Barabbas? I have been intrigued by the meaning of his name (son of the father, if I’m not mistaken). Can you shed some light into his role?
A Divorce Question
Published: August 13, 2024I have been separated from my estranged wife now for almost 6 years, she had an affair, lied to me. We are not divorced. My question to you is should I get divorced? My heart tells me I should, but I can’t seem to get the courage to do it. She has never requested a divorce, but there is no hope of getting back together. I know God hates divorce and I have no desire to meet another woman for the time being. I became a believer just this past summer and it has been on my mind more often lately. Your advice would be greatly appreciated. God bless.
At What Point Am I Sinning?
Published: August 12, 2024A what point does sin take root in a person? Examples: I get cut off in traffic and immediately I get upset but refuse to think negatively about the other driver. Or I see a very pretty girl and think about my carnal days and what I would do then but stop and refuse to go any further. Or I see a beer commercial and again think about the old days and getting buzzed but stop and turn the channel. These things come at me all day long and honestly as the day wears on and I get tired I have a tendency to think a little more but again I stop. Do I need to repent as soon as the thought crosses my mind?
The Rapture in Romans 11:25
Published: August 12, 2024I have a question regarding Romans 11:25, speaking of the ‘fullness of the Gentiles’. In your understanding does the fullness occur at the Rapture of the Church, after which God renews his program with the Jews, or at a later time during the 70th week? I would appreciate your scholarly explanation on this subject.
Sons Of Thunder
Published: August 12, 2024I have been so blessed by gracethrufaith. My question is: Why were James and John given the name “Sons of Thunder” and what is it’s meaning?