Are We Really Getting Close To End Times Prophecy?
Published: September 25, 2024I have been very interested in the current happenings in the middle east, and in other parts of the world as well, and was wondering what you think about it. Could we really be this close to end times prophecy setting in motion?
Fearful Of Judgment
Published: September 25, 2024In Romans 14:10, Is. 45:23, and II Cor. 5:10 the judgement seat is mentioned. All will stand before the judgement seat of Christ and everyone of us shall give an account of himself to God. How and for what will the believer be held responsible? What does standing before the judgement seat of Christ mean for the believer? It sounds like a very fearful occasion.
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
Published: September 24, 2024Could you please advise me whether we should be buried or cremated? I have always thought that Christians must be buried as a whole body and not cremated, as this could be against God’s law. The way cemeteries are going these days (not much room), I wonder if cremation will become law. Thank you so much for your teaching, you have helped me so much.
Predestination And John 3:16
Published: September 24, 2024When you say John 3:16 proves that the Calvinists aren’t correct, how do we know it doesn’t prove that they are? Their whole idea is that God makes people believe, right? And John 3:16 says whosoever believes has everlasting life. Do you see what I mean?
The Model Of The Yom Kippur Goats
Published: September 24, 2024Would you please expand on the last sentence from “The Fall Feasts of Israel”?
“Before the cross the goat that was to be presented to the Lord as a sin offering was always on the right hand of the High Priest. After the cross it never was.”
To Prepare Or Not To Prepare
Published: September 23, 2024This evening a friend of mine related what a pastor and his wife said to them over dinner. He told them that, as Christians, they need to start preparing for the worst as things are going to get real bad, real fast after the election. He said believers should store up food and hoard what they have, and pull all their money out of the bank and hide it. This is nothing less than frightening. How does he know this? Is he right–should we all be doing this?
Confused About Voting
Published: September 23, 2024**Note: Jack wrote this many elections ago. But it’s timeless advice. ♥ Samantha
I’ve read some articles on Christian websites saying Christians should not vote at all this time because neither candidate truly represents our values. But others are just as adamant in saying we should vote for the candidate who is most representative of our values. It’s so confusing. What do you think?
Can The Seal Be Broken?
Published: September 23, 2024I have some friends who believe in conditional salvation. I firmly believe it’s impossible for us not to sin and therefore our salvation has to be unconditional. One of my friends sent me to a website that supports conditional salvation. Most of its claims are easily refuted, but there is one article regarding the seal of the Holy Spirit that I’m having trouble with. It said the seal can be broken. Can you please help me with this?
Is Alcohol Forbidden? Follow Up
Published: September 20, 2024What can you say about Isaiah 5:22 which says “Destruction is certain for those who are heroes when it comes to drinking, who boast about all the liquor they can hold.” Concerning that, is alcohol forbidden?
Worship Him With All Your Heart
Published: September 20, 2024My question concerns worshiping God. I understand that the angels worship and adore God above anything else they do and I believe we will do the same when we are with Him and I look forward to that time with all my being. But now I feel inadequate to give Him the worship He deserves. Do you have some teachings on worship that would teach me how to worship God with all my heart?