Confusion About The Trinity
Published: November 18, 2024I see that you agree that in the Bible Jesus and the father are one and the same. So God is a jealous God , right? So am I worshiping two Gods, because I believe Jesus is God? In church I pray to him, talk to him, sing to him, etc. I am very afraid of this. So in heaven are there two, is Jesus sitting at the right hand of God? I am very confused. God said you shall serve no other God than the Lord thy God. In Rev. Jesus said I am (that is what God called himself I AM ) the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. See how this can be so confusing? I would love to hear your view on this. I respect your answers.
Wounding And Healing
Published: November 18, 2024I am interested in your thoughts on Deuteronomy 32 verse 39 thanks.
Is Drinking Wine Forbidden?
Published: November 18, 2024How do you interpret Proverbs 23:34 and reconcile it with it being okay to drink alcoholic beverages? It seems if one should not even look upon wine when it is fermented (as Proverbs 23:34 says, and I believe this means to look upon in the light of desiring to drink it), then God does not want us to drink it at all because of the sin and degradation it leads one into.
Many go to the wedding feast where Jesus turned the water into wine to justify drinking alcoholic beverages because if it wasn’t okay then surely Jesus would not have turned water into wine. But has anyone thought it possible the water that Jesus turned to wine was not fermented wine? In light of Proverbs 23:34, I believe Jesus turned the water into the pure juice of the vine (not fermented). Otherwise, Jesus has contradicted His own words. I don’t believe Jesus would do something God said not to do. I don’t believe Jesus would have provided fermented wine to those at the wedding feast knowing there would be some who would consume too much and end up drunk and committing other sins that drunkenness leads to. If that were the case, then Jesus himself would have been a stumbling block and a hypocrite.
Paul said it was okay to “take a little wine for thy stomach’s sake” (medicinal purposes). I believe that would be the only occasion to take of alcohol during biblical times. Nowadays we have so much “medicine” for various illnesses that do not contain alcohol that there is no excuse to consume alcohol in any form.
Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus turned the water into (fermented) wine?
Burned Out On Giving
Published: November 15, 2024Tithing is a very contradicting doctrine in many churches. Many congregations use this system to pay for all the expenses required to manage a local church. Is it really supported with New Testament biblical verses?
I use to tithe according to the Law of Moses. Today I do not tithe. I am part of the only true church, which is the body of Christ. At the time of Jesus the church was not revealed, but He knew that the administration of the church would be different. There would be no leadership structure, every body would have specific duties and responsibilities within the church and all would accept Jesus as the head of the church.
There was no tithing in the early church within the gentile church. Paul never received tithe to support his ministry. He worked. Voluntary donation is what it is taught through the New Testament. Too many are and have been deceived by the false gospel of prosperity. People are only giving because they want to receive. If someone in the church does not prosper many conclude that there is a sin that is not forgiven. You have taught me a great deal. Yet tithing seems to be misunderstood.
The Incarnate God And Human DNA
Published: November 15, 2024If and it is so that Yeshua is God manifest in the flesh, then does it not mean that He is, was and always shall be God? One of your commentaries on Christmas says He was only God at conception, and that is misleading.
In His pre-incarnate state He visited people throughout the Tanakh, and when He chose to be revealed as God manifest in the flesh as Yeshua, that was at conception and He does not have any human DNA because as Hebrews points out, a special body was prepared for Him ahead of time to fulfill Abba’s will.
Is Suicide Forgivable?
Published: November 15, 2024Do you think the one sin not forgivable is suicide since it is a murder against the Spirit that dwells within the believer?
Like Paul said, I still do the things I hate and have problems doing the things I wish I could.
With that in mind sometimes I wonder what that sin is but then I think how Christ Jesus never loses anyone, so how can we as believers commit this sin which has no pardon since we were all predestined, justified, sanctified, and gloried from the beginning.
And if by doing so meaning we were never in Christ, why would it even come to a question of pardon since the non-believer doesn’t feel the need for penitence?
The Ten Lost Tribes Of Israel
Published: November 14, 2024While doing research on the Lost Tribes of Israel, I came across a lot of sites that truly believe Manasseh and Ephraim have become the nations of Britain and America. They say that Joseph brought his two sons to Jacob, that he might bless them before he died. One was to become a great nation while the other would become an Even greater nation of many peoples. The research states that Manasseh means, “to forget,” and thus these people are unaware that they are the lost tribes.
With current situations as they are and Britain and America’s role with Israel, do you think that this is possible? Could this be referred to as the “Time of Jacobs trouble?”
Of the Tribe of Dan, it is stated that he will judge his people. Could the Anti-Christ perhaps be from one of these nations, not knowing his lineage, or perhaps from the Tribe of Dan?
Knowing the Jewish people are awaiting their Messiah, I remember Jesus said, “I come in my Father’s name and you receive me not, another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.” I can not imagine the Jewish people accepting any Muslim as their coming Messiah. Do you think possibly these tribes are active in these times, unaware? Thank you again for your great teachings!
Is Sunday The Mark Of The Beast?
Published: November 14, 2024Do you believe the sabbath to be Saturday or Sunday and if Saturday, do you think that the Sunday belief is actually the mark of the beast? Also, would you say that the beast is actually the Catholic church?
Messages From Haggai
Published: November 14, 2024The Lord led me to the book of Haggai today and I was wondering if you could help me out with the months the Lord is talking about in Haggai 2:18 and in 2:20.
According to Haggai 2:18, which Jewish month on the Calendar is the 9th month? Would God be using the pre-diaspora calendar or the post one? Would this be the year that the half month was added changing the month that would be called number 9?
In verse 2:20, again God says He sent His word to Haggai on the twenty fourth day of the month. Was this the following month? Or was this one year later on the same 24th day of the ninth month as His word came to Haggai in 2:18?
Also, in verse 2:18 God says to remember the date that the foundation of the House of the Lord was laid. He says…”give careful thought to that day”. Was that date also the 24th? If not, which date was that?
I can’t help but wonder with all that is going on over in Israel today, if these days are important again.
Today is the 11th day of Kislev. Which month number is that? The twenty fourth day of Kislev lands on the first day of Chanuka when we are supposed to light the first candle.
In light of our current economic situation here in America and our pressure to force a peace deal that splits apart Jerusalem that should be taking place that very week, I can’t help but read verse 2:21 and think….hmmmmm.
The Benefits Of Being A Cheerful Giver
Published: November 13, 2024Can you stand another question on tithing? Do we fall under old testament rules of 10%, or are we asked by God to give what we feel is right? And what are the benefits of a cheerful giver?