Can We Enter The Kingdom But Not Inherit It?
Published: October 27, 2022Lately, I am hearing more and more about entering the Kingdom vs. inheriting the Kingdom. It’s being said that all Christians will enter the Kingdom, but not all Christians will inherit the Kingdom. The reason given is that many people get saved and do nothing for the Lord, while others give all to the Lord. Based on the enter/inherit idea, how do we know if we’re just entering the Kingdom, or are we also inheriting the Kingdom?
Jesus, The Only Way
Published: October 26, 2022The Jewish people offered animal sacrifices (through the priests) at the Temple, to ‘cover’ or put aside their sins. If the the majority of the Jews rejected Jesus, and the last Temple was destroyed in 70 AD, how have the Jews atoned for their sins since then?
Teach Your Children Well
Published: October 26, 2022My 6-year-old grandson is fascinated by the TV and movie heroes. Every chance I get, I tell him that Jesus is our King and that He is the strongest of all. We also regularly pray together before bedtime and meals and he loves to pray. He knows we go to heaven when we die and that one day Jesus is coming to fetch us. My son feels that my grandson is too small to learn about Jesus dying for our sins as it entails explaining innocent blood sacrifice to him and I have to agree. I know children are automatically saved before the age of accountability, but would you kindly please give me your thoughts on how to go about preparing my little grandson’s heart to understand God’s salvation plan.
Getting The Fire Back
Published: October 26, 2022I got saved at 28 in the midst of deep depression. I was on fire for many years, and most recently I have shut down. I know it has to do with disappointments in my life, and also living alone forever and not wanting to. I feel stuck and can’t seem to get back to where I was with the Lord. I want to, but feel misplaced. I’m not as faithful about going to church, and that bothers me as well. I don’t know what to do to get back in the fold. I know He never leaves us, but we leave Him. What can I do to get back on fire?
Where Does Our Sin Originate? More Follow Up
Published: October 25, 2022Don’t forget what Paul also said. “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:” Ephesians 4: 26 (KJV) Paul says we can be angry and not sin. He also says to take care of it before the day ends.
Where Does Our Sin Originate? Follow Up
Published: October 25, 2022I have a question regarding your answer to the question, “Where does our sin originate”? You quoted Mat 5:22 which I guess you took from the New International Version (NIV). This version omits some important words which change the whole meaning of the verses as compared to the King James Version (KJV), which says, “But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.” The words “without a cause” are omitted in the NIV implying that any anger is forbidden, whereas the KJV suggests that there is righteous anger allowed. Surely the Lord Jesus was rightly angry in places like Mark 3:5.
Seeing And Believing
Published: October 25, 2022If Jesus shedding his blood on the cross as our kinsman redeemer gave us all eternal life, OT saints and the Church alike, why do we have two different rewards or destinations? OT saints will occupy Jerusalem on Earth, but the Church will dwell in the New Jerusalem, a city of gold designed just for us that no one else can enter. I know God is just, but it seems to me the Church has been more exalted than God’s chosen people from ancient times. How can we be so much more rewarded if both groups believe in the same Messiah and are saved by his blood?
Will I Still Be Able To Do The Things I Like?
Published: October 24, 2022I have a question I would like to ask you regarding the future experience of the Christian. There are things I enjoy that are not sinful, such as reading books, studying science and physics, collecting knives and reading about knives/edged tools/cutlery history, eating good food like pizza and cheeseburgers and spaghetti with meatballs, and things like this that are not sinful. Can I have confidence that the Lord will allow me to continue to enjoy to enjoy these things and more in Heaven?
The Adversary
Published: October 24, 2022I am in a Genesis study and would like to know more about the “fall of Satan”. I would like to have scripture passages as to “how”, “when”, “where” and “why”.
Where Does Our Sin Originate?
Published: October 24, 2022You’ve said that anger is a sin even when we think it’s justified and referenced Ephesians 4:26-27. My interpretation of these verses is that anger can lead to sin, but anger itself is not a sin. The scene when Jesus cleanses the temple of the money changers in John 2 comes to mind, as Jesus certainly seems to be angry. This would imply sin in Jesus which scripture says is not the case. Can you please elaborate?