Should I Support This Church?
Published: July 16, 2021Should I go to and support a church that has anything to do with Jewish persecution in any way or form? Are there any Bible verses that would support this view of not going to a church that believes in Jewish persecution? I was very close to joining this church when I discovered this about the church as a whole.
Who Is The Day Star?
Published: July 16, 2021In the KJV, 2 Peter 1:19 refers to day star not morning star. I took this to mean we are to take heed and not be fooled by Satan. The KJV refers to Satan as Lucifer in Isaiah. Some bible versions refer to Satan as morning star in Isaiah and some refer to Satan as day star in Isaiah. I know Christ is the morning star. Who is the day star – Christ or Satan?
What Can I Say?
Published: July 16, 2021I have a friend who is a total skeptic but was recently in a very serious accident. The doctors marvel that he is even alive. I have attributed his survival to God’s plans for his future, but he’s not convinced. What can I say to someone who still shows no interest in the Lord even after something like this?
Believing And Repenting
Published: July 8, 2021Regarding OSAS, I believe many people wonder. What about repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I read “I repented before I knew the meaning of the word. I have repented far more since than I did then”. How do you compare “Believe on the Lord Jesus” and “repentance”? That’s not talked about much.
Inheriting The Kingdom
Published: July 8, 2021What does it mean to enter/inherit the kingdom of God? How does it differ from being saved and going to heaven?
Why Did God Create Us?
Published: July 8, 2021If the Lord knew that we would fall from the beginning, why did he create us? Why let us go through all the pain and suffering? I mean, what would the earth have looked like if Adam and Eve never have sinned?
Was God Speaking Only To The Dead?
Published: July 7, 2021Re: According To The Lord’s Own Word. Isaiah 26:19-21, appears to be speaking to the dead only. Would these Isaiah passages coincide with Matthew 27:52-54?
Is Prophecy Unimportant?
Published: July 7, 2021The asst. Pastor in the church that I attend, knowing of my interest in prophecy, recently tried to debunk this interest by quoting Acts 1:6-8 and saying that there were more important things to understand than prophecy, and sermonized for an hour regarding these verses, implying that prophecy was unimportant. I would appreciate it if you would clarify this.
Is There A Difference Between A Believer And A Disciple?
Published: July 2, 2021I was hoping you could clarify something for me. Specifically, I know I am saved because of what I believe. That being said, when Jesus talks about being a disciple, he talks about leaving family, friends, and everything behind to follow him. I understand he was talking about those around him at the time yet at the same time, we are challenged to become a disciple. Is there a difference between being saved and being a disciple?
Getting More Help From God
Published: July 2, 2021I’ve often wondered to what degree the Lord will direct our steps. I’ve felt guidance on specific spiritual matters. But on matters of a secular nature, I’ve often felt alone. Is this to be expected? Do you have any thoughts on the matter?