Children Of The Rapture
Published: October 14, 2014You have said that all children who die below the age of accountability go to heaven. Will all the children below the age of accountability who are present on earth at the time of Rapture be leaving along with adult believers irrespective of their parents belief or religion? If it is so, then won’t there be any children left on this earth for the Tribulation? And how shall God take them without the consent of their parents, since they may be of different religions other than Christian?
Are Matt. 24:29 And Rev. 6:12 the Same?
Published: October 13, 2014Re: Birth Pangs Update. I’m not sure whether Jack Kelley is still around, but I have a question about the way he presents a view that Rev. 6:12, with the moon turning red and the sun going black, represents the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week, while the stars falling from heaven per Mt. 24:29 marks its end. What about the stars falling from heaven in Rev. 6:13? How can these events be viewed as separated in time when they are mentioned in consecutive verses as a direct consequence of the opening of the Sixth Seal, and why was the subsequent verse 13 not mentioned in Kelley’s commentary?
Take The Mark And Stay Saved?
Published: October 13, 2014Let’s say a man gets saved after the rapture. For whatever reason, he accepts the mark of the beast. Will that man still be saved?
Accepting Christ And Being Born Again
Published: October 12, 2014I see on many occasions you get a lot of flack for stating that people are saved if they have accepted Christ. Could I suggest that you include the words “have accepted Christ and are born again believers” because being born again I feel seals it. My daughter accepted Christ, but will not read her bible and argues with me on what right do I have to say that a certain person who passed away has not gone to be with the Lord as he never darkened the door of a church or ever spoke about the Lord. The minister who conducted the service stated that this person was now with God. Unless you are born again and are led by the spirit of God you are dead in your trespasses and sin.
Does God Destroy The Innocent?
Published: October 12, 2014I was having a conversation recently with a believer who is struggling with his faith. He claims that every time God punished the enemies of the Jews, thousands of innocent people died, even women and children. As examples, he named the people who died in the flood, all the first born in Egypt, David’s baby (from Bathsheba) and the innocents in Caanan who died when God instructed the Israelites to conquer the land. He concluded that God was never ‘good’, just ‘one sided’ towards the Jews. He said those people who died were still created by Him, so why did he watch them be slaughtered?
The Keys Of Death And Hades
Published: October 12, 2014Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions that come your way. You are a beacon of light in a sea of darkness. I’m wondering about the belief that Jesus descended to hell and took the keys to hell from Satan. I understand the concept of hell being “paradise” and that is where Jesus went after he was crucified. That makes sense of the passage when Jesus was on the cross and he spoke to the thief next to him, telling the thief He’d see him in paradise. I don’t understand from whence came the idea that Satan had the keys to hell. Is it in the Bible somewhere, or is this just someone’s opinion?
Is There A Third Resurrection?
Published: October 11, 2014In your study, No One Knows The Day or Hour you said, “In Rev. 16:15 the world is well into the Great Tribulation, so the Lord’s warning is for Tribulation believers who will be responsible for keeping themselves saved during the most terrifying and dangerous time the world has ever known.” This means there will be people that will get save during the Trib; after the church is gone from the earth. If that’s the case there has to be another resurrection for the dead because believers will die during the trib. Is there a scripture saying that there is a third Resurrection?
A Pause Between The Rapture And Daniel’s 70th Week?
Published: October 11, 2014My question concerns a theory I just heard – from a Pre-Tribulation preacher – that the rapture does not necessarily kick-off the 7-year Tribulation period, but instead, there could be an indeterminate number of years (10, 50, even 1,000) between the rapture and the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week. Prior to hearing this, I was unfamiliar with the theory. I’d be interested to know if you are familiar with this concept, and if so, what verses do you use to rebut it.
Will I See My Babies Again?
Published: October 9, 2014I know aborted babies go to heaven and when the Rapture happens those believers who are dead will be called up a second before the believers who are alive and we will all get our new bodies and meet Jesus in the clouds. I am a woman who has had abortions. I have asked the Lord to forgive me for murdering my innocent unborn babies. Will I get to see those babies in heaven? Since I am truly sorry for shedding innocent blood, will Jesus give me the chance to have them back, to hold them and tell them how sorry I am for the horrible thing I did? Thank you for your response and your willingness to answer questions a lot of other people wouldn’t answer. Blessings to you and thank you.
All Prophecies Fulfilled?
Published: October 9, 2014I also believe that all prophesies in the Bible either have been or will be fulfilled. In your article “Failed Prophecies Of The Bible?”, you say, “…… but the land of Egypt has not yet lain desolate for 40 years…….The prophecy has not failed.” So …. if the fulfillment of all prophesies should occur by the Second Coming, when do you think the 40 desolate years occur? Thanks again for your dedication to correctly dividing the Word of truth and sharing it with us.