Ask a Bible Teacher

The Last Person Saved

Published: September 20, 2014

We know that God has not already raptured the Church because of His long suffering, giving every human a chance to trust His plan of salvation. Do you think He will come back at a time when every person that will make a decision for Him will have done so, or will there be those who might have trusted Him at a later date, but be lost because He came back? Or do you think it is simply a number thing, when the full number of Gentiles has come in?

Will God Reveal Himself To Israel?

Published: September 20, 2014

I believe God is going to do something supernatural to show Israel he is God, to cause them to come back to Him, and I think this is what scripture says. Is this right?

Destroying The Pre-Trib Position?

Published: September 20, 2014

I did a search for pre trib rapture and came across a site claiming to destroy the pre-trib position with just one verse. What would be your response to him? I would like to know in case someone ever challenges me with this question.

Selling The Gospel

Published: September 20, 2014

I have a problem with “Christians” charging for recorded teaching or worship materials. My reasoning is that we ought to be spreading the Gospel free of charge; “freely you have received, freely give”. I do not believe that the Lord has ever given us a mandate to sell the Gospel yet wherever you look the aforementioned materials are being sold to the body of Christ at large. I understand that the laborer is due his fair wage but very often these materials are more expensive compared with music or teaching materials from the secular world. How do we as believers justify this culture that has crept into the Church? Should it not be faith based? If the Lord has called you into a ministry then shouldn’t you have the faith in Him to provide the finances for it?

Did God Treat the Nephilim Justly?

Published: September 19, 2014

Genesis 6:4 speaks of children who were born of an unholy union between fallen angels and human women. On the whole Genesis 6 implies these children were evil and perpetuated evil and the whole world became corrupt to the point of God having to start humankind all over again with clean DN

Blessed Are The Believers

Published: September 19, 2014

Re: The Lord’s comments to Thomas in the Upper Room. Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” You have said that Jesus was talking about the Church. Does this mean that Thomas (and any others) who actually saw him physically after his resurrection, before believing in his resurrection, are grouped with Old Testament believers and are not considered a part of the church?

A Question On Judges 4

Published: September 18, 2014

In Judges 4…where Sisera, the captain of Jabins (of Canaan) army has escaped Barak-has hid in the tent of Jael (the wife of Haber the Kenite). He asks her for water and was given a “bottle of milk”. She covers him up , he falls asleep so soundly that she is able to drive a tent stake through his temples pinning him to the ground ,killing him. Now Heber of Kenite was a relative of Hobab (Moses brother in law), and he told Sisera about Barak’s battle plans.

I don’t get the significance of all this, especially the milk instead of water, the murder of someone aided by her husband, and the connection to Moses father in law. Can you help me ?

Pre Wrath Rapture?

Published: September 18, 2014

I am a believer in the pre tribulation view point with one of the major reasons being that believers are not meant for wrath (1 Thes. 5:9 among others). However, I find that the first time the “wrath” of God is mentioned in Revelation is with the sixth seal (Rev 6:17). Could it be that the 4 Horsemen and the Souls of the Martyrs (seals 1-5) might occur before the rapture?

Gentile Tribulation Believers

Published: September 18, 2014

I have a question concerning Jeremiah 30:11 and Tribulation Believers. If God completely destroys the nations to which Israel was scattered, and those being the gentiles, where do the gentile tribulation believers come from, since the nations come to give their gifts to God during the millennium?

Absent From The Body, Present With The Lord

Published: September 18, 2014

Re: 2 Cor. 5:8. I have always believed that what Paul was saying in this verse is that when we pass from this life in an instant we will be present with God in heaven.

This came up in our men’s Bible study of Psalm 91 and God’s perfect protection afforded to all who dwell in the shelter of the Most High. When Paul spoke these words, and I believe he spoke of this in another letter as well, he made the comment that he had a choice to stay in this body and serve the Lord or to be present with Christ (Die). He said he was torn between the two. So my comment to the other men there was do you think Paul knew the promise of God (Psalm 91) so up close and personal that he realized he had a choice of Life or Death? And of course if he did do we?