Ask a Bible Teacher

What’s Taking The Lord So Long?

Published: May 12, 2014

God created heaven and earth and everything in them in 6 days. He could have done it in 6 minutes or 6 seconds. Why do you think it is taking Jesus so long to prepare our Heavenly home, the New Jerusalem?

Bridal Qualifications

Published: May 12, 2014

Re: Ephesians 5:25-27. May I ask you if the raptured Church (the bride) will have to meet the standards as stated by Paul in this passage? Because on the other hand we have the great multitude in Revelation 7 . Did they miss the rapture on account of poor qualifications, or is there another explanation?

Birth Pangs And The Rapture

Published: May 11, 2014

You have said that Matthew 24 is a Tribulation chapter, I agree that some of it will take place during that period. As a Pre Tribulation believer, how can we not see it as a two fold chapter of Rapture and Tribulation? The birth pangs then are only for the Tribulation period … signs of His Second Coming. Where do these birth pangs then fit in a Pre Tribulation Rapture? Many people are taking the “signs” (birth pangs) now as a preview of the Rapture of the Church. How can this be if they are signs of just His Second Coming?

More On Tribulation Believers

Published: May 11, 2014

Is the group of saints mentioned in Revelation 20:4 the same group from Revelation 7:13-17? They sound the same but the wording seems to indicate they have different destinies. Can you please clarify?

The Kinsman Redeemer

Published: May 11, 2014

Can you give references for the following statement from your Revelation 5 article? I am interested in searching further regarding it. “A son could redeem what his father had lost.” Could Seth have redeemed what Adam lost?

Over Comers And The Rapture

Published: May 11, 2014

Don’t know if this is an appropriate question for you. I already know your answer but I know there are a lot of people out there teaching erroneous things. I “surfed” by (a well known evangelist’s) teaching the other day and was troubled at what he said about the Rapture.

He stated that not all believers will go in the Rapture, only those who have “overcome”. He said we have to overcome “the world, the flesh and the devil before we are “true” believers. Doesn’t this negate all that Jesus did on the Cross?? Maybe you can clarify this for some of the others who may have heard the same teaching.

Confused About Rev. 7

Published: May 10, 2014

I am studying your Revelation series. I am confused about your commentary on Chapter 7 verses 9-17. Specifically verse 14 where it describes that they came out of the Great Tribulation. Your commentary states that technically the Great Tribulation hasn’t started yet and that it is still the first half of Daniel’s 70th week. Sounds like a contradiction. Can you explain that better to me?

Eternal Service Status?

Published: May 9, 2014

I read an article about the rapture and the author mentioned the Bema Seat. He wrote:

“Those who have lived carnal lives and are not walking in the will of God will lose rewards at the bema, or judgment seat of Christ. The believer must do his or her best to live the way God expects of His children while still in this mortal flesh. The child of God should take this truth very seriously. How he or she attempts to walk righteously here on earth will determine his or her eternal service status when they look into their Lord’s omniscient eyes.”

What is disturbing me is this “determined eternal service status”. Is there any hint in the Bible for the validation of this statement? I’m not happy that I will probably lose rewards but I sure don’t want to be “doomed” to an eternal kind of state or status, whatever it is, that is unchangeable. It would be depressing that despite I’m in heaven, there won’t be a chance or a single ray of hope to change our state or status if this kind of things really exist. What is your opinion on this?

Am I In An Emerging Church?

Published: May 9, 2014

Do you think a church whose pastor does not give altar calls, has long musical worship services and frequently reads from articles instead of the Bible is an Emerging Church?

Your periodic answers to questions about the Emergent/Seeker Friendly Church sure sound a lot like the church I recently started attending , but I don’t want to see something that’s not there. Frankly I guess I know the answer to this question but would like your opinion. The lack of an altar call has me really worried as I’ve never gone to a church that did not have one at the end of each and every service.

Has Some Of Revelation Been Fulfilled?

Published: May 9, 2014

I came upon a website recently that contends that Rev 9 was fulfilled through the decline of the Ottoman Empire. I don’t know history well enough to argue.

I have wondered in times past if any of what I would think is prophecy still to be fulfilled, has in fact already happened. On a similar note I was listening to a guest on a well known late night radio show where he (a Christian I think) contended that WWII fulfilled some of the prophecies, such as a third of the ships being destroyed or a great mountain, burning with fire, being cast into the sea (atomic bomb).

I suspect that many of us read prophecy relative to our own current and recent history. Christians from a thousand years ago were probably trying to understand events of their time in relation to their understanding of Bible prophecy, especially the book of Revelation. What are your thoughts?