Ask a Bible Teacher

Faith And Works

Published: May 6, 2014

Of all the ministers on line and elsewhere, I love reading and hearing the Grace preachers more than all the rest, but then there are those who appear to believe that it requires both faith and works to make it to heaven. Most of the people who teach this do not come across as mean-spirited legalists who want to put us all in bondage, yet there remains this conflict between grace through faith alone and faith plus works. This really leaves me torn. Is this conflict resolvable?

Can The Lord Lead Us Into Temptation?

Published: May 5, 2014

In the Lord’s Prayer, there is a verse that says, “Lead us not into temptation”. Since James 1:13 says that God doesn’t tempt anyone, what is the correct interpretation of this verse?

Coming Down Vs. Going Up

Published: May 4, 2014

Ref: Your teaching on the Rapture. I come from the pre-trib view of Scripture but do have some problems with certain Bible verses, like 2 Thes. 2:1-3. Verse 1 clearly refers to “our gathering together to meet Him” but in verse 3 says it will not happen until “the man of sin is revealed.” If the Rapture can happen at any time – how is this explained?

Who Wrote About The Rapture?

Published: May 4, 2014

Am I correct in stating that Paul was the only writer of the New Testament on the Rapture of the Church? And why is he the only one? Is the Rapture talked about or referred to by some one else through out the Bible? Thanks brother keep up the wonderful job!!

The Anti-Christ, Person Or Spirit?

Published: May 3, 2014

I know that today the name Anti-Christ is associated with the “son of perdition” mentioned in the book of Revelation, but no where do I find that “title” referred to by John the Revelator. The Apostle Paul spoke of “Anti Christ” as more or less a “spirit” and NOT an actual being. Please clarify our use of this title directed towards an “individual” when associated with the end times and the book of Revelation.

Events Preceding The Rapture

Published: May 3, 2014

I recently asked you about the second coming, actually what I had meant had been what things must take place before the rapture of the church. I understand Matthew 24:34 about the generation of 70 years, but what about the 2012 magnetic polar reversal, wouldn’t that have to have a key in the tribulation, if so, wouldn’t that mean that the rapture would have to happen about a year or two before that?

Child Sacrifice

Published: May 3, 2014

How are we to understand the account in Judges 11:30-40, where Jephthah vowed to the Lord to offer up whatever came forth from his house upon his return, as a burnt offering, if the Lord gave him victory over the Ammonites? His daughter, his only child came out and he was distraught because of his vow. Was she offered up as a burnt offering? Thank you for your insight, I’ve learned much from your website. God Bless.

Q.It appears from the passage that Jephthah did indeed sacrifice his daughter to the Lord with her full consent. (See v. 36 and 39) This would have been neither desired by nor pleasing to the Lord who had prohibited such things. (Deut 18:10) Jephthah acted wholly on

Grounds For Divorce

Published: May 3, 2014

My husband and I haven’t been married all that long. Somewhere in the Bible there is a verse that divorce is only allowed when the covenant of marriage is broken. That is when there is an affair outside the marriage. I have told my husband several times that if he ever had an affair, I will divorce him. I know he is having an affair, by the little things I have found. I just haven’t caught him physically. I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. I know that all sins are forgivable through Christ. Am I close on the divorce subject? What verse in the Bible is it that talks about divorce? Please give me your input on the matter.

Free Choice Vs. God’s Plan

Published: May 3, 2014

I know there is free choice given to us by God. I also know the hairs on our head are known to him and our days are known and he has a plan for all of us. In the shooting and stabbing rampages we see happening around us, it is free choice for the people who do those things, or is it in God’s plan for all the random people to be killed?

Unwholesome Talk

Published: May 2, 2014

What does it say in the Bible about people who cuss or say negative things to others?