When Does The New Jerusalem Appear?
Published: February 27, 2012I had a discussion recently with my pastor about the new Jerusalem. I said I thought the new Jerusalem came at the beginning of the millennium, he thinks it comes at the end of the millennium. Any thoughts on this?
Was Israel Set Aside?
Published: February 27, 2012You’ve said that the New Covenant did not succeed the Old , but rather interrupted it while the Lord focuses on the church. Then when Romans 11:25 has been fulfilled and the church is removed from the earth, God will turn His attention once again to Israel. In other words, He set Israel aside after 69 weeks and when the last gentile has been saved and the rapture has occurred, He will then put Daniel’s 70th week into play. OK, but when I read the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ ministry, I see Him primarily focused on Israel. He called only Jews to follow Him and be His closest associates (disciples). He preached the Kingdom of God being at hand in the synagogues where there were no gentiles. The great commission He gave mentioned Jerusalem and Judea first, then Samaria and the utter most parts of the earth. I know God offers salvation to all, but I’m not seeing clearly where He has temporarily set Israel aside.
Did Noah Try To Recruit Others?
Published: February 24, 2012I have read several studies on the Nephilim and the times before the flood as described in Genesis 6. It seems quite a few scholars and pastors are of the view that it’s because human genetics/DNA became corrupted by the intermingling of fallen angels and sinful women that God destroyed man by a great flood. I agree with this view but my question is, were Noah and his family the only ones whose genetics were not contaminated? If so, why was it Noah tried for a long time to get others to come aboard the arc before the rains came; shouldn’t he have just left them alone since destroying them is what God intended?
What Does Parousia Mean?
Published: February 20, 2012What does “parousia” mean in it’s true context? Does it mean coming of Jesus or does it mean judgment? I am reading a book and I don’t understand. Here is the paragraph which it is mentioned. Buddhists await the Fifth Buddha; New Agers await Maitreya; Jews await the Messiah; Christians await the Parousia; and Muslims await the Mahdi.
No More Sea. Before Or After The Millennium?
Published: February 19, 2012In your study on the Revelation, I believe you said you think all of Rev. 21 and Rev. 22:1-6 fit in between Rev. 20:6 and Rev. 20:7. My question is regarding the sea. In Rev. 21:1, it says there will be no more sea, and if this happens at the beginning of the Millennium, how does the sea give up its dead in Rev. 20:13, at the end of the Millennium during the GWT judgment?
Saving Old Testament Gentiles
Published: February 16, 2012I understand that Jewish Old Testament believers who died went to Paradise or Abraham’s Bosom to await the promised Redeemer. What about OT Gentiles? Did they have to convert to Judaism for this or did the Lord make a way for those outside of Israel to “die in faith”?
Jesus And The Rapture
Published: February 15, 2012I recently came across your site and I truly appreciate your gift of interpreting Gods Word. It has helped me, more specifically on understanding the Rapture and events leading up to the Rapture. My question is that is John 5:25-29 referencing the Rapture? I did a quick search of your site but found nothing identifying these verses. I look forward to your response.
When Will Satan Be Expelled From Heaven?
Published: February 14, 2012I just love your web site. I visit it daily and am always blessed by the wealth of information. Keep up the good work you are truly gifted by God with knowledge of scripture. My question is when Satan is thrown out of heaven will that be before the rapture or following and will believers still be here on earth? If we are will we know it?
Tribulation Children?
Published: February 13, 2012Thank you for you website, it has been a blessing for me and my family. I think we agree that all children under the age of reason will be taken in the rapture and that children will be born in the millennium to those who survive the tribulation, but what about during the tribulation. Will children be born during that seven year period?
Establishing The Beginning Of God’s Wrath
Published: February 13, 2012With respect to God’s wrath, I find myself struggling with it’s beginning. I shouldn’t – because I have no problem seeing the Church in Heaven in chapter 5! And if Revelation is truly chronological then the wrath must take place in six. Yet, when I read Rev 6:12-17, it really sounds like the Lord’s wrath begins after the 6th seal (or depending on some accounts, the 7th – which means Chapter 8 kicks off the wrath after the half hour of silence). If either is the case, and assuming the Tribulation (70 weeks) kicks off after the first seal, then the Church wouldn’t be taken until some time into the Tribulation. Could you please elaborate on this?