How Will The Rapture Happen?
Published: October 26, 2011My question concerns the precise nature of the rapture, to whatever extent that can be known. Many people believe we will instantly disappear as in 1 Cor. 15:51-52; others believe we will rise up into the clouds in a visible manner citing 1 Thess. 4:17. It seems to me you could argue either way. Jesus rose visibly at the Ascension (Acts 1:9-11) but could also disappear and reappear at will (Luke 24:36). Could be that after we are changed in the twinkling of an eye, our ascent to meet the Lord in the air will be in a dimension not visible to folks on earth, to whom we will have simply vanished. What do you think?
Published: October 26, 2011I have a question about stewardship. From what I understand, and from my experiences in a few church congregations, most people/pastors define stewardship as “having to do” something physically by the “law” which tends to show others an “outward” appearance of obedience to the law. Can you elaborate on the meaning of stewardship?
What Does It Take? Follow Up
Published: October 26, 2011Re: What Does It Take? I agree wholeheartedly until you reach the last point, where you say we have to ask for salvation to receive it. Although I personally have asked Jesus through a sinner’s prayer, I do not consider it to have any impact on my salvation. What really made me born-again was my response in faith to the atoning power of the Lord’s blood and so on. The prayer was simply an expression of that faith.
Till He Is Taken Out Of The Way
Published: October 25, 2011Does the Greek word translated as “taken” in 2 Thessalonians 2:7 appear anywhere else in the New Testament, and is it translated consistently with the same meaning?
Are The Disciples In The Church?
Published: October 25, 2011In your studies you show that there are three groups of saints, old testament, church, and tribulation. Are the disciples considered old testament or church saints?
Assyria And Syria
Published: October 24, 2011I always thought Assyria and Syria are the same country. Is that so?
More On Purgatory
Published: October 22, 2011Recently I was trying to show my Catholic mother that the doctrine of purgatory is nowhere supported in scripture. She then proceeded to tell me about mortal sins and venial sins. Are there any scriptures which discredit the idea of mortal and venial sins? If so I would appreciate if you could point me to any.
Proclaiming The Gospel In The Geat Tribulation
Published: October 20, 2011In a question about the rapture you said, ” That’s why He’ll send an angel to do it (evangelize the world) after the Church is gone (Rev. 14:6).” Is this literal? Will an angel actually fly around the earth saying this to everyone on earth?
My Kids Aren’t Excited About The Rapture
Published: October 19, 2011Like you I believe that the Lord is soon to take his church home and I have taught my children the same. I have a fifteen year old daughter who gets scared and very emotional when we talk about the rapture. She is without doubt a believer, but wants to grow up and be a mom like her mother and be able to experience all that we have. I don’t know how to comfort her knowing that the Word says we will be like the angels not given in marriage. I also have a 18 year old son who when I speak of the rapture wants to use this as an excuse to say that if it’s really near why should he try for a future here. I have taught him that no one knows the exact time and to be ready for it anytime but not to stop trying to better himself until the end. What are your thoughts?
Time Of The Gentiles
Published: October 15, 2011First off, I want to thank you for your articles. I have learned so much and I love prophecy and Israel! My question is this: once the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled, does that mean that no more Gentiles will be saved, not even during the tribulation? We know that 144,000 will be evangelizing, but will Gentiles still have an opportunity to get saved?