Could They Have Known?
Published: July 2, 2011What was the status of the Old Testament as far as being compiled at the time of Christ? Were the 39 books already chosen? Was everyone aware of the prophecies Christ was fulfilling as He was doing them? For instance, Psalm 22, could someone have been watching the crucifixion and had access to that piece of scripture as it was happening?
What Will We Know?
Published: July 2, 2011I have a question regarding people after the Rapture/Resurrection. I’ve heard two different views, one being that we will know everything from the time we are raptured, everything that can be known we will know. The other view being that we will not know everything but will contently be learning and gaining new knowledge but we will never reach all knowledge. What does that Bible say, or at least, what is your thought on that matter?
What Is The Outer Darkness?
Published: June 30, 2011I was told recently that according to Matt 8: 10-12, there will be an “outer darkness” in heaven, meaning that some will be closer to God than others. Whether they meant physically or spiritually, I do not know. A reference was made that in v12 “the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown into this outer darkness…..” the reasoning being that they are already IN heaven and therefore will be seated farther away I suppose. What are your thoughts on this?
Can I Re-Marry?
Published: June 27, 2011My husband left me after 19 years of marriage and insisted on divorcing me. He says he was not unfaithful to me during our marriage, however, he has since developed a same-sex relationship. I know he had several relationships with men prior to the divorce that I have since been told were homosexual. I have not wanted a relationship with another man since that time, however, I do wonder if I ever found someone, would I be free to marry in God’s sight?
No Fear Of Judgment, Follow Up
Published: June 27, 2011I have a question about the ‘ No fear of judgment ‘ question. If we realize that one of our deeds was not done through the strength of God, and we confess it and ask for forgiveness, will it be changed over to a “good” deed in place of a “bad” one?
Is Jesus The King Yet?
Published: June 23, 2011Is Jesus ruling as King of Kings and Lord of Lords now, or is He acting in His High Preistly function to the Church and will take His role of King at the end of Time?
Taking The Mark
Published: June 21, 2011From my understanding, anybody who receives the Mark of the Beast is eternally damned. What if they are forced to get a chip or tattoo without any say or will? Also, I’ve always wondered what would happen if somebody is to receive the Mark of the Beast, but then repent later. Are they born again or is it too late for them and they’re damned?
Confess And Believe?
Published: June 21, 2011I’m bothered by an article I read on the Internet about being “saved.” The writer quotes multiple scriptures, and states quite dogmatically that “one must believe in the resurrection…confess the resurrection…to be saved. He lists a series of common steps seekers are guided to take by various churches and evangelists such as, “Invite Jesus into your heart….” or “Accept Jesus as your personal savior …” or “Say the sinner’s prayer” as being inadequate. Do you agree?
More On The Church As The Bride Of Christ
Published: June 20, 2011If the church is the bride, what does Rev 21:9 mean? “Come I will show you the bride the wife of the Lamb, and He carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven.” This seems to be the only place where the word says right out who the bride of the Lamb is. Is there another place that’s more specific?
Sealing God’s Servants, Follow Up
Published: June 18, 2011Since neither of us will be here when it happens, I’m willing to indulge in a bit of speculation on the issue, but is it possible that the ‘sealing’ of God’s people BEGINS with the 144,000 and spreads through the population of tribulation believers, or will the locusts have some ‘sense’ of who to go after? Since this judgement is from GOD, HE knows who are HIS. Just throwing an idea out there.