This week in India 11-21-20

Our week in India! We visited the villages and got to spend time with the families, our volunteers are so busy giving classes each day to our kids, and peeks into our Sunday Service.
Quick links to the other parts this week:
School Classes
The Lord has so abundantly blessed our kids in learning. Instead of being years behind their peers when they were finally able to attend school, they quickly caught up! They have put in so much effort, and God has blessed them. We are amazed and so grateful, and so proud of them!
Here they are learning science and English at the same time!
We had fresh pineapple and Oreos for snacks this week!
In the villages
I love this! Here we get to sit with them in their huts.
In another village later that night, we spent time reading the Bible and praying together with Manjunath and his family and tribe.
I was just marveling with our volunteers how when we first began our church here, we encouraged them to have a prayer meeting at the end of every month. They loved the idea and then began doing it every week. Now, every single night they gather and praise the Lord together and pray for His provision and protection. They pray for each other, and for this ministry, and for all of you too!
Our Sunday Service
Veggies were too expensive again this week, so we got rice and chicken! It’s such a wonderful surprise for our families, and we love being able to get protein into our kids!
Every week, one of our volunteers drives families that live far away from our church!
Prayer, praise, and worship and memory verses
I remember the first time I saw how they make hammocks for the babies to nap during church! Love this! Here is baby Sarah, growing and healthy! For those of you who are new (welcome!) here is our prayer request when she was born premature, and when she was released from the hospital! We never take for granted the blessing and power of all of us praying together.
Prayer & Sunday school classes
Don’t you love seeing the little ones sleep while their mamas are praying?
We got new Sunday School workbooks for all the kids!
Can you believe how big our little Esther is getting? Look at her! (I think like with Joel, even when she’s big, she’ll still be little to me!)
Kids praying and having snacks!
This is how I can be on hard days too… everything is terrible until I take a break and have a snack!
See the other parts this week:
Thank you for your love, and your prayers for those we serve around the world! It’s absolutely amazing what happens when we come together and follow the Lord’s leading. I’m beyond grateful for you all!
If you’d like to see more than we can share here, email me for access.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry, and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha