Week in review April 28 2018

Our internet is still slow, but I have uploaded a few more pictures this week! Thank you so much for your prayers over this trip and over these little ones we care for.
It has been so amazing to finally meet them in person. It’s been almost a year since we began the Children’s Church for them and it’s obvious how the Lord has blessed them in this time.
Last week I mentioned our 25 kids brought an extra 70 kids to our VBS, but new kids kept coming and we had 90 new children for the week! It is such a blessing to share the love and kindness of Jesus with these 90 new kids! Please join us in praying for them, that the seeds that were planted will grow and they will know how much the Father loves them!
Each month we give them toiletries, milk powder, anti parasitic medicine and a vitamin tonic. The doctors have recommended these for their health and nutrition. We are so grateful for the water tanks! It turned out many of their sicknesses were caused by the tainted water they used before, and now that they have clean water they are staying healthy! Praise the Lord!
My heart is full and I hate to leave. I am so grateful the Lord has brought these people into our lives, and I’m so honored He allows Gracethrufaith be the channel to bless them! Not only does He provide the resources to help them, He has brought us the most amazing volunteers to help in India. They are full of Christ’s love for these children and it’s easy to see their joy in serving the Lord.
A year ago Parvathi had just died and we thought our ministry in this area was through. Now to see what the Lord has done is amazing! Thank you for joining us!
These children are so precious, and even though it’s almost 100 degrees with high humidity, we have had several little ones snuggling on our laps at all times. They are excited to share what the Lord is doing for them. They excitedly jump up to repeat verses they have memorized, and they all want to be first! They have learned new songs and Bible stories. Their love for learning the Bible is amazing! I’m so grateful we are a part of this!
Our VBS in this area is now over, but we are about to begin our VBS in another area, where our ministry work in India began, over a decade ago, after the massacres. We expect over 200 children there! Please keep both areas and outreaches is prayer! Christian persecution is very real here.
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Rev. 8:13. Angel Or Eagle?
- What Do We Have to Believe About Jesus?
- How Can I Forgive If They Won’t Ask?
- Stop Debating And Start Praying
- Can God Refuse To Admit A Believer Into Heaven?
- Are We Supposed To Just Get By?
- Casting Down Our Golden Crowns
- Conviction Or Condemnation?
- A Characteristic Of God
- Are The Jews In Israel Today Impostors?
- More On The Lord’s Prayer
- Alexander And The Shaggy Goat
- The Four Cups Of Passover
- Salvation And The Eye Of A Needle
- The Road To Emmaus