Week in review April 27 2019

We held our first week of VBS this week and we’re preparing for next week! Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
Please pray for this coming week, Monday begins our VBS week in an area of much violence and persecution. Please keep our volunteers and the kids in your prayers.
Our volunteers worked long and hard this week, providing an amazing VBS week full love and attention and stories about the Jesus who loves them so. Hundreds of photos are still downloading from the week from all our volunteers, so I’ll share a few this week and I’ll have a full post for you next week.
We also had a full week of visiting the new tribe, our Adult Literacy classes, and church!
Our volunteers have been visiting the new tribe each week to pray with them, and show how important they are to the Lord. They’ve never experienced anyone sacrificing for them before. It was at first awkward, then humbling, then wonderful!
A big delivery of supplies for VBS!
Our volunteers and helpers met several times to plan for VBS. One of the most exciting things for me in this ministry has been watching how the Lord raises up leaders. Jack set such a good example of servant leadership, and I’m so grateful this continues powerfully today. There have been several people in the tribes we serve stand up and ask to help. They join with our volunteers in serving everyone with love and gratitude.
In their lives, they had only experienced helplessness at being at the bottom of society. They had only experienced those in power using their privilege to oppress others for their own gain. But in the upside-down kingdom of Jesus, this is transformed. Those of us with the ability, serve the rest. We submit to each other in love. We set aside our selfishness and work for the good of our brothers and sisters. For our neighbors (Luke 10:25-37).
Setting up tents for Sunday service and VBS week! The heat has become oppressive and we need to provide shade for the kids. We rented the large tent we’ve used before, and got three more canopies we can use each week!
We’ve outgrown the little building we rent, and while we’re asking the Lord for land to fit everyone, these canopies will help!
Our volunteers and helpers from the tribe prayed together thanking the Lord for these canopies!
Scenes from our Sunday service:
We were able to rent a van for the whole week! The new tribe lives 4 miles away, and it’s too hot to walk 8 miles each day for the week. We were able to get it for the Sunday service too, and picked up the kids:
We celebrated three birthdays! These are the first birthday celebrations each child has had. I can’t wait until next year when the kids will know it’s their birthday and wait in expectation for it!
We were able to give a small bag of groceries to each family. A small serving of lentils for protein and a few other staples to go along with rice.
Bananas for the kids!
Our fellowship lunch:
We’ll see you next week for the full VBS post!
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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As always, email or fill out our Contact form with questions, feedback, and suggestions.
God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Defining Grace
- Advice On Reading The Bible And Praying
- OK, I’m Saved. Now What? Follow Up
- Passover Cross
- Peter, Do You Love Me?
- Passover Blessings?
- Salvation And Lordship
- Still More On Confessing Our Sins
- Will Mixed Motives Negate My Prayers?
- More On The Elect
- Interpreting Matt. 27:52-53
- Was Jesus Wealthy?
- Repetitive Prayers
- Tithing Vs. Paying Debts
- I Was The Prodigal Son