Week in review March 2 2019

Our outreaches continue in India and Mexico! And on the site, as always, we’re learning the Word. Continue reading for photos from our outreaches this week as well as a recap of all the posts on the site.
In India, prayer has always been a huge focus. First, the women began regular prayer services each month. They saw God move, and they saw their own hearts move. Then they began meeting in their huts each week. Soon, the men and the kids joined!
Our Sunday School Classes:
Little Shoba turned 4! We love celebrating birthdays! For most of these kids, this is the first time they’ve been able to celebrate a birthday. Because the tribe hasn’t been allowed to attend school (until we were able to enroll them last year!!) they were illiterate and didn’t track days. We have to get birth certificates for each one, and the parents will need to estimated the time of year they were born and even how old they are.
These four kids received high marks and praise from their teachers! We wanted to honor their hard work with a small gift. Everyone prayed over them and celebrated with them! It’s not easy beginning school as an older child, but our kids have shown such persistence and dedication and enthusisam, even and especially when it’s hard! We are so proud of them!
We got mosquito nets for everyone! This was a need we didn’t know about until I was in India last month. The people were suffering, and huddling under blankets to avoid them because they didn’t know there were nets available for them. Malaria is a very real danger here. And because they sleep together in one room huts, we searched for large multi-person tents!
To me, this is a beautiful example of the way the Lord wants to work in our lives. These people were suffering and before they knew there was a solution, the Lord prompted someone to send money ahead, not knowing what it was for, but just that it would be needed.
This is how the Church should function. We give the Lord permission to give us His desires and motivation, and then we act on these promptings.
Our God wants everyone to experience unconditional love and have their every need met. And He works through us. Our actions can be the answer to someone’s prayer!
When we were newly in Mexico, I saw so much need around us and I would drive through areas praying over them. After doing this for awhile the Lord started responding to every prayer telling me: Go do it! Once we began stepping out in faith, and giving even more than our ability, the amazing began happening. And here we are almost 14 years later! (We moved to Mexico 14 years ago this September, and we began Gracethrufaith 20 years ago this September! I didn’t realize both milestones are in September until now 🙂
Along with the mosquito nets, we gave 10 kg (22 lbs) of rice to each family!
Our fellowship lunch:
The happy birthday girl!
Our Adult Literacy Classes! When we were there last month, we saw how excited these women are to learn! I can’t imagine being told my whole life that because of where, and to whom, I was born that I was the least in society. Being told I am unable to learn the basic things most of society takes for granted.
These women are learning so quickly and with so much enthusiasm! They arrive at 6 pm, and stay until after 10 pm! They bring their babies and older kids who want to learn too! Many of the kids come, excited to get a second round of reading instruction after a full day of school. It’s almost been a full year since we were able to enroll every child in school!
Because they come right after working, we provide ingredients and they all make dinner together there!
This week we brought many to the hospital who were sick:
Here are a few photos of the prayer meetings in the village.
When I was in India and prayed for every single person at the church, there were many new families! And over and over again, women asked me to pray for their husbands. They had begun attending our church, and met Jesus and were so excited, but their husbands were fearful and didn’t want to attend. Some women were worried their husbands would ask them to stop coming. And so I prayed over so many women for their husbands. I asked the Lord to move mightily in their households. That their husbands would know Jesus and have the same passion and excitement their wives have. That a radical transformation would take place in their hearts and in their lives. That peace would reign in their homes. That the Holy Spirit would be present there with them, guiding and loving and comforting and prompting them.
This prayer service was on my last day in India, and then we began the multi-day process of flying back. The very next Sunday, there were more men attending our church service than ever before. The women know our God hears and answers. We ask boldly because He is our Abba and He delights in answering!
Thank you for keeping us, this ministry and our outreaches in prayer, and thank you for your support! We couldn’t do any of this without you.
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God bless you!
♥ Samantha
Here’s a recap of this week’s featured posts, in case you missed any:
Commentary on the Psalms
- Is Church Attendance Mandatory?
- Why Was She Born?
- What Kind Of Work Will God Give Me?
- Mandatory Church Attendance, Follow Up
- More On The Great Falling Away
- Do Real Christians Struggle?
- What Does Selah Mean?
- Consecration And Sanctification
- Is Prayer Conditional?
- What Is Paradise?
- Who Founded Jerusalem?
- Is The New Testament Wrong?
- 10 Dimensions
- When Believing Isn’t Enough
- Prosperity Or Prophecy?