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Post Trib Pastor

Published: April 8, 2015 (Originally published: April 8, 2015)

My younger brother is local church Pastor. But he is an avowed post-tribulationist. No matter how much I try to share with him, that the scriptures clearly teach a pre-tribulation rapture, it does no good. He gets very angry and aggressive. It seems like I am coming up against a Pharisaical spirit.

But my question is this. If someone is so doggedly determined that the church will go through the tribulation, do you think that that person might endanger their own escape, even if they belong to the Lord? I am just observing what happened to Lot’s wife, who was clearly looking for the destruction, and not towards the escape, and suffered as a result, even though she escaped the city, but not to safety.

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By Faith Alone?

Published: April 7, 2015 (Originally published: April 8, 2015)

How does Romans 2:6-16 jive with being saved by faith alone?

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How Did The Church Become A Gentile Body?

Published: April 8, 2015 (Originally published: April 8, 2015)

I had a question about a comment you made in one of your commentaries. You said, “Not all of Israel rebelled, only parts. For 20 years after the cross, the Church was mostly composed of Jewish believers.” I’m well aware that there were Jewish believers, I’m also aware that it was prophesied that they would reject the Messiah. I guess what I’m not all that clear on is how that played out historically. Did the majority of the Jewish population (except for the leaders) embrace Christianity? Why or why not? When, where and why did the Jewish people start to fade away and how does that affect the Jewish people today?

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Still More On The Partial Rapture

Published: April 8, 2015 (Originally published: April 9, 2015)

I was watching a televangelist, and he says that he believes all the blacksliders will not go in the rapture and the ones that are sitting back and not doing serving the Lord or doing his will. Is this true?

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Our Careless Words

Published: April 8, 2015 (Originally published: April 9, 2015)

I listened to a respected Bible/prophecy teacher tell the audience how Christians will be judged at the Bema seat for careless words. How he arrived at that conclusion mystifies me–all of our sins/careless words/hurtful behavior were judged at the cross. I understand that Jesus will judge our “Good Works;” not our behavior. I shook my head. He is absolutely wrong.How can a man well versed in the Bible come up with this?? Have I missed something?

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More On The Woman Caught In Adultery

Published: April 8, 2015 (Originally published: April 9, 2015)

I’ve heard discussions where it was stated that the woman caught in the act of adultery in John 8, was most likely dragged there naked. Would that have been likely in 1st century AD? I imagine that modesty would have ruled and at least a sheet placed over her, not necessarily for her sake, but for women and children that may be out and about. Also, I find it interesting that so writings and talks state that this is Mary of Magdalene, when there is no evidence of this in the Bible. But what about the 7 demons. Any ideas on that statement?

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The Written Code

Published: April 9, 2015 (Originally published: April 10, 2015)

Thank God for the gift of teaching that He gave to you. It always refreshes my mind and strengthen my faith everyday. Today I am reading your article about our Lord Jesus Christ and I feel so blessed but when I came to this verse about the written code I wanted to learn more but I don’t have the wisdom. Perhaps you can discuss further about this code. What is it?

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Israel’s Hardening

Published: April 9, 2015 (Originally published: April 10, 2015)

My question is about the destination of the Jews that have been blinded since the Crucifixion. Romans 11:25 speaks of this blindness. What verses can you refer me to that explains the destination of those Jews that die while still in their blindness to Jesus being the Messiah? What is the ultimate destination for the blinded unbelieving Jews since the Crucifixion and when will they be judged?

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Faith Churches

Published: April 9, 2015 (Originally published: April 10, 2015)

My question is about “Faith Churches”. I attend a church like this and the way things are taught you would think we all should be rich, full of health and walking on easy street. It sounds great but if it was as easy as they say you wouldn’t be able to keep people out of churches.

They give these great sounding prophecies about how great everything is going to be (in my state or this country) and it never seems to come to pass. To be honest it makes me mad anymore hearing the prophecies because I don’t have faith that what they are saying will happen, and they are always asking for money. Again, if all I had to do was give so and so 10% and I’d be getting 100X back you couldn’t keep people from giving.

I was wondering your thoughts on this kind of teaching?

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Jesus And The Easter Bunny

Published: March 31, 2015 (Originally published: April 2, 2015)

Do you think it’s OK for a Christian to teach their children about Jesus through the Easter bunny? If the motive of the person’s heart is sincere and one of “I’m teaching them about Jesus” does that make it OK? Does our Lord approve of such things?