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The Beginning Of God’s Wrath

Published: May 25, 2021 (Originally published: March 13, 2013)

Do you have any scriptures at hand that proves beyond doubt that God’s wrath starts at the beginning of Daniel’s 70th week and not half way through the 70th week?

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Group Prayer

Published: May 25, 2021 (Originally published: March 27, 2013)

It has been my experience that we have a great God and it is not our great prayers or positive thinking that works miracles but God moving to answer our prayers. And so I have never understood the need for groups of people to pray together about any particular issue. I know that whenever two or more people join together in prayer the Lord is there with them and this is a blessing I can understand anyone wanting to enjoy, but it does not make the outcome any different than if one person prayed, does it? Am I missing something here?

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Can We Long For The Rapture Too Much?

Published: May 26, 2021 (Originally published: May 15, 2010)

As always, I echo the thanks of many countless others who are blessed by the Lord through your faithful service to Him. I have a question that I have been pondering for a while now, and I seek God’s wisdom through you about it. I wonder if it is possible to long too much for the rapture and deliverance from this brief blip in our eternal existence.

I know that where our treasure is, there our heart will also be. I also know that prioritizing eternity with God will bring a crown when that time comes. I worry though that in hoping for the rapture the way I do, I am somehow neglecting lessons learned or responsibilities or opportunities that need to be fulfilled here during this Earthly life. I am still serving in the ministry God has placed me in, still working at my job, still paying my bills, still going about the act of being human, but I find myself deeply longing, waiting, anticipating the rapture, looking forward to it more than anything else my days may bring. Is this somehow wrong – can one be so intent on the Heavenly future as to neglect the present?

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Tending The Tree Of Life

Published: May 26, 2021 (Originally published: May 21, 2010)

I would like to know about the fruit on the tree of life in revelation 22:2. Is this a spiritual fruit we as GOD’s children will take of ?

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Deceiving Spirits

Published: May 26, 2021 (Originally published: May 25, 2010)

Thanks for your faithfulness to the things of God, I have gained many insights from your teaching. I have a question about Isaiah 19:14 and 1st Kings 22:22. Both passages speak of perverse or lying spirits that are sanctioned by the Lord. Did God use these for judgment as he used Satan to test Job? What are your thoughts on these spirits?

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Boaz And Ruth

Published: May 27, 2021 (Originally published: July 13, 2007)

My question is concerning something in the book of Ruth. It became apparent when I was studying that Elimelech left the promised land for Moab which was not in good standing with Israel. Then, his two sons marry Moabites which was even worse. I know this is an obvious example of how when we fail to put our faith in the Lord and his promises we can end up in trouble. However, after Naomi and Ruth return to Bethlehem, we see Boaz end up marrying Ruth. Why would Boaz marry a Moabite? Was it still considered wrong for Boaz to do this?

That brings me to another issue about their children being allowed to enter into the assembly. Doesn’t Deuteronomy say that their decendants (Moabites) never enter in? I know it says to the tenth, but then it says never. Is this a translation issue? Because David is in the line of Ruth and we know he entered in. Any insight you might be able to lend would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your efforts and God bless.

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Applying The Book Of Ruth

Published: May 27, 2021 (Originally published: March 17, 2008)

A friend recently made the statement that when she married her husband, who was from a small country town which was very different from where she had grown up, it was very hard. She evidently was divorced but told me she tried very hard to live up to the phrase in the Bible that said, I will make your people my people. She was never really accepted in the small town by her husband’s friends and family. My question is, was she interpreting this phrase correctly?

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More On Forgiveness

Published: May 27, 2021 (Originally published: May 19, 2010)

I know Jesus tells us to forgive others – many many times over. But when I forgive, I also tend to let my guard down and Always end up hurt again. This is a close family member who seems to go out of her way just to say or do something hurtful to me. Is there a way to forgive “smartly”, or am I required to open myself up to be hurt every time? Thank you for your dedication to our Savior. God bless you and your ministry.

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Please Explain The Rapture

Published: May 28, 2021 (Originally published: May 16, 2010)

I’ve never heard any pastor, layman or brethren explain fully the rapture. When it is explained it’s always in ethereal terms and without a whole lot of sense. I’ve of a mind it’s not something we can regulate with the many varieties of explanations currently being taught. Hence, I’ve been skeptical of this phrase as well as the whole concept. Would you like to give me your explanation?

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Believing By Faith

Published: May 28, 2021 (Originally published: May 18, 2010)

The thought has crossed my mind as to why New Testament believers are sealed with the Spirit when Old Testament believers were not? It seems we received a great deal. It has certainly humbled me to realize this. Can you help clarify?