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How Can We Pray For Them?
Published: November 18, 2016 (Originally published: November 23, 2009)Could you please school me on the dilemma that is presented in the bible i.e. If we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem yet (in this day and age) we know that violence and all kinds of bad things are to come upon that people and city in order for the plan to come to fruition as He says.
And what about praying for our leaders? I find it almost impossible to do when it seems that (our leaders) were put into power because of what we as a nation deserve. I don’t really know what to say about this.
Called By A Dead Friend?
Published: November 18, 2016 (Originally published: November 24, 2009)I recently heard a preacher talking about how he was called to preach. He said a dead friend was sent to him and told him that God had called him to preach. I know the Bible talks about angels visiting us, but do you think God would allow someone who has died to come back and talk with us? I consider this different than when Moses and Elijah appeared to Jesus. What do you think?
The Great Multitude of Rev. 7
Published: November 18, 2016 (Originally published: November 26, 2009)In Revelation 7:14 the group of people are said to be those who came out of the “great tribulation” yet the 2nd half of the seven years hasn’t started. Great Tribulation is the same word Jesus used in Mt. 24:21 when referring to the 2nd half of that seven year period. What do you make of that?
Praying For My Family
Published: November 3, 2016 (Originally published: November 27, 2006)I have a real prayer burden for my children and their spouses. They reject the Bible as the Word of God. One even said that it’s” just words written by men and I know men.” When I point out that- It claims to the “inspired ” Word given by the Holy Spirit to holy men , and it’s historical accuracy , the test of time, etc…they turn a deaf ear.
Realizing that the time is short before the Rapture, the great and terrible tribulation, and the Second Coming of the Lord, besides staying on my knees before the throne , what can I do ? Do you have any wisdom and/or “proofs” that I can offer to them to read or think about?
The Joy Of Giving
Published: November 11, 2016 (Originally published: January 13, 2014)Today I gave some money to a hungry homeless man at a stop light. I felt immense joy that I was able to bless him and I felt I should have done even more for him. Is it wrong for me to feel great joy when giving or helping the less fortunate or am I to turn that Joy over to the Lord and just be thankful that He has chosen to Save me and give me eternal life. I do not want to rob the Lord of what is rightfully His and I desire to be an obedient servant to Him but the joy and happiness that filled my heart today was almost immeasurable. What do you think? Can you share some Scripture about this experience with your response?
Accepting Jesus To Escape Hell
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 8, 2006)I’m curious. Is it selfish to accept Jesus in order to avoid going to eternal judgment? Originally I think that I just wanted to be saved because I knew that if I wasn’t I’d go to hell, and I didn’t want to go there. Now, of course, I know all the benefits that come from accepting Him as well. Regardless, was it wrong of me to accept Jesus just to escape Hell?
If Your Brother Sins, Rebuke Him
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 8, 2006)I enjoyed your article on forgiveness.
I am particularly thankful for the section in your article about the meaning of the word repent. I have been misunderstanding that all along. Not sure if it’s been explained to me this way before and didn’t get it or I have heard the wrong thing.
Here’s the question I have. I am in a situation where I volunteer for a Christian organization. I understand about submission and have no problem with that. But sometimes I get the feeling that I am being “used.” How do I know if this is discernment as opposed to my fleshly feelings … those that don’t want to take orders, even from authority?
In your article you quote Jesus as saying, “If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, ‘I repent,’ forgive him” (Luke 17:3-4).
You then say, “The Greek word translated rebuke in this passage means to admonish or censure. We should advise fellow believers when we think the way they’ve treated us is contrary to God’s word. (see also Matt 18:15-17)”.
So, do I rebuke her? Do I bring these issues to her? Thanks for any insight you can give me.
Do I Have To Go To Church?
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 9, 2006)I am constantly getting criticized by my mother on going to church. She claims that you cannot be a true Christian unless you go to church. She claims that you cannot be truly saved unless you go to church. I have a boyfriend who I am very serious about and love very much. We plan on getting married in June. We have not gotten engaged yet because he is being persecuted by my mother (and so am I) about this church issue. It is causing me a lot of pain to deal with my mother in this because I have my own personal belief that I can be a good Christian without going to church. What advice can you give me for the next time I talk to my mom? She keeps pushing her beliefs on me and judging me for not believing the same as her. Do you feel it is necessary to go to church to be saved and a true Christian?
Is There A Second Chance After We Die?
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 9, 2006)I love your site! I was just wondering that if unbelievers have to wait for final judgment do they still have a chance for forgiveness?
Where did Evil Come From?
Published: November 7, 2016 (Originally published: November 10, 2006)I have a question that I have often wondered about.
Where did evil originally come from?
We know that Satan who had every advantage, and became proud and puffed up, began to desire the worship that was rightly given to the Lord.
However we also know for every cause including evil, there has to be a causative agent. Since in the presence of God, evil cannot exist, how did Satan become evil?