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Today's Bible Q&A

  • Confirming The 3 Day 3 Night Scenario

    I recently found your article entitled “solving the three day, three night mystery” in which you provide evidence for a Thursday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection. It was very helpful and I want to thank you for your efforts. In it you state “…at sunrise it was Friday day, day two” This leads me to ask what is meant in Luke 24:21 when Jesus met with the men on the road to Emmaus and they told him that it was the “third day since all this took place.

    The road to Emmaus event took place on Sunday day (day three according to them) which would make Saturday day 2 and Friday day 1 since Christ was crucified. I just wonder how you make the 3 days 3 nights of Matthew 12:40, plus the Thursday crucifixion theory fit with Luke 24:21?

  • Being Filled With The Holy Spirit

    My question regards being filled with The Holy Spirit. I do not speak in tongues nor do I have a prayer language, although I have prayed and prayed to receive such. However, I feel God with me all the time. He answers my prayers ALL THE TIME. I know without a doubt that I am HIS and He is my Lord, King and Savior (and that should be enough right?) But is there anything in scriptures (other than the gift of tongues) that is evidence that The Holy Spirit is residing in a person? I would like to reference a scripture when talking to my daughters about this.

  • An Angel Of The Lord

    I have always been taught that any time the Angel of the Lord showed up in the Old Testament it was pre-incarnate Jesus. But there’s another Angel of the Lord showing up to Joseph while Mary is pregnant with Jesus–who is this one?

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Thursday, March 6, 2025

40 Days of Prayer 2025: Day 2

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The Prayers of a Righteous Person

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.
James 5:16

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David’s Story: Conclusion, 2 Samuel 20-24 and 1 Chronicles 20-29

The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: “When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth.”

Our Outreach Work

India Outreach – Children’s Church!

It’s official! We’ve begun a Children’s Church for the tribe we’ve been serving in India. Our Spring Bible School outreach was such a success, the tribe asked us to keep coming every week to minister to the children. After much prayer, we’re moving forward!

Feature eBook

Bible Stories for Adults

**Print version now available on Amazon!

Volumes I &II, Old and New Testament stories.
Jack published the Old Testament stories in 2004, and by the time he was ready to ready to publish the New Testament stories, he wanted to release them in one volume.

Now, I am so blessed to present to you Jack’s teachings on the children’s stories in the Bible. In this new book, including Volumes I and II—the Old Testament and New Testament—you’ll discover how the language, customs, and culture of biblical times will help you grow in a more mature understanding of these timeless children’s stories. I’m excited for you! The details and symbolism of these stories are about to make the Word of God come alive in your heart. Prepare to have your faith strengthened as you grow closer to the Lord.
♥ Samantha Kelley

⇒You can now purchase a print version from Amazon here. Please leave a review on Amazon once you’ve read it!

⇓Click on one of the three formats below to download now for free.

Feature Audio Study

The Incomparable Riches of His Grace

This study is for believers and non-believers alike.  It describes three things in detail.  What the Lord has done for us in the past, what He’s doing now, and what He’s preparing to do in the future.  And it’s all free for the asking, no matter who we are or where we’ve come from.  Feel free to download this and share it with friends and family.