Ask a Bible Teacher

Is Elijah Coming Again?

Published: August 9, 2023

The prophecy of Malachi 4:5 referring to Elijah coming to this earth again has always been a puzzle to me. Do you think this is a literal coming? Do you think this would be before the rapture or before the second coming of the Lord Jesus? I have looked in your archives for information on this but I don’t seem to locate anything you have written on this. If you have written an article on this please let me know how to locate it.

Can We Get Out of God’s Hands And Choose Hell?

Published: August 9, 2023

I believe we are right with God on our profession of faith in Jesus Christ. If we believe in Christ, we are made righteous, but if we do not believe in him, then we aren’t. Recently, I’ve encountered people saying that we ask for forgiveness and run our race in order to remain righteous. Also, they believe one can fall away from God completely with no possibility of return if they renounce Christ. I’m having a hard time understanding this myself because I’ve been having demonic attacks lately trying to pull me away from God and I do not want to go there. I know the Bible says once we are saved, it’s forever, but I have a hard time understanding this since, in our human nature, we feel like we can just get out of Gods hand and choose Hell. Can you help me understand this?

How Does Satan Work?

Published: August 8, 2023

In your post, Satan’s Greatest Defeat, 1 Cor. 2:6-8 seems to indicate that Satan and his minions were behind the crucifixion of the Lord. How do you think he goes about making his plans happen? Is it mind control of some sort? I know that God is actually in control and uses Satan to accomplish His plans, but am uncertain just how Satan works and what powers he has over people.

Who’s Responsible For This?

Published: August 8, 2023

Can you please help me answer my 12yr old son’s question? He doesn’t understand why God would create people like Hitler, knowing full well what they will do here on earth. And in his opinion, he feels like God must not really want everyone to go to heaven since God knows what their choices will be & he still allows people to be born that are “destined for hell”. I’ve read some online explanations, but I need something that a 12 yr old can understand.

Will There Be Two Heavens?

Published: August 8, 2023

Will the church -in New Jerusalem- be separate from all other believers for eternity? Will there be 2 heavens? Thank you for considering questions from confused people like me.

Celebrating The Feasts

Published: August 7, 2023

The real reason that Christians do not celebrate feasts and holidays of the Lord is that years ago, Roman Christians sought to remove all the Jewishness from Christianity. It had nothing to do with what Jesus said because he celebrated all the feasts and holidays of his Father and we need to do the same.

Was Pre-Flood Mankind Vegetarian?

Published: August 7, 2023

My grandson watched the movie of Noah recently. When we were discussing it, I made the comment that mankind did not eat meat until after the flood. He then stated that non-believing pagans did eat meat because they didn’t care. My question is: Did only Adam’s line not eat meat until God gave permission post-flood that they could and that at that post-flood animals would no longer be under the dominion of man? For example, was Cain and his line meat eaters pre-flood as well as non-believers in God?


Satan’s Greatest Defeat

Published: August 7, 2023

In Matthew 16:21 Jesus tells his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem to be put to death and raised on the 3rd day. I’ve always understood that Satan must have been ignorant of the fact that Jesus needed to be crucified for our salvation. Otherwise, he would have tried with all of his might to thwart this from happening. If he heard this straight from the mouth of Jesus that this should happen, then why wasn’t he trying to stop it? We all know that God’s plans would always trump man’s and Satan’s plans, but seems curious to me that he seemed to help the Jewish leaders anger against Jesus.

The Withered Fig Tree. Follow Up

Published: August 4, 2023

Re: The Withered Fig Tree. My Question is: If the cursed fig tree is symbolic of Israel, and Jesus’ words were that it would henceforth bear no fruit forever, how do we reconcile that with national Israel being in the millennial Kingdom obviously bearing fruit to the Lord? “Henceforth” and “forever” don’t leave any wiggle room for “except in the millennium”.

A Dominion Theology Question

Published: August 4, 2023

My wife and I are in a bible study where we really enjoy the fellowship of the other members. The problem is that the teacher is bringing out parts of the Dominion Theology. She truly believes and teaches that we still have the dominion God gave to Adam & Eve in Gen. 1:28. She believes we still have dominion over the birds, etc., as in Gen 1:28, and also over the wind, rain, sickness, and disease. Can you show me in Scripture where when Adam fell he lost dominion and that that dominion was passed on to Satan, and that any authority we have to heal the sick and cast out demons comes directly from the authority given to us by using the name, power, and authority of Jesus Christ?