Ask a Bible Teacher

Mesopotamian Mythologies

Published: September 14, 2008

Much of ancient jewish lore was a redaction of earlier Mesopotamian mythology (Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian). Why are these earlier stories, of a different Noah, a different Cain and Abel,; merely mythology; but the redaction by the Judaens and Israelis and Egyptians are the holy word of God?

Questions About The Gift Of Tongues

Published: September 13, 2008

I am a Pentecostal and believe that every one of the gifts is in operation today in the body of Christ and they are freely accessible by faith. That being said though I do believe that some gifts are over emphasized and have caused some misgivings and/or divisions in the BOC.

For example, where did the belief that one has to speak in tongues in order to give evidence that one is baptized in the HS come from? Mind you that I have the gift of tongues, I just don’t understand the over emphases on it.

Also, can you show me scripturally the order of the gifts and how we receive them, if tongues is the first and the first evidence then what comes next, so 1 through 9 please give me the order please! In no way is this meant to discredit those who speak in tongues or believe in the gifts (remember I myself believe in all 9 listed in 1 cor. 12)

Doomsday Machine?

Published: September 12, 2008

Well, here we are, on the eve of the firing of the Haddron super-collider. Scientists believe it will teach us what really happened when the universe was formed. Some, however are afraid it may cause black holes to form in the earth around four years from now, and some still, believe it will create a gate to open into Satan’s realm. Needless to say, nothing is mentioned in the Bible along those lines, with the exception of the latter theory, perhaps. What are your thoughts on this?

Was Haman Really An Agagite?

Published: September 12, 2008

I wanted to ask questions concerning I Samuel 15:32, 33. Saul had been told to utterly destroy the Amalekites but brought back to the Israelites King Agag alive. They had put all of Agag’s people to the sword. Samuel had King Agag brought before him and killed him. My question is — In Esther 3: 1, how was it that Haman, the Agagite, could have been a descendent of King Agag if he and all his people had been utterly destroyed? I know that the Amalekites came from the concubine of a son of Esau. The note in my study bible says, “Some believe Agagite is a reference to the historical district of Agag within the Persian Empire. Others believe this term more likely linked Haman’s descent with the Amalekites. I am confused as to how this could be. I would appreciate any light you could shed on the problem.

Are There UFO’s In The Bible?

Published: September 10, 2008

I feel silly asking you this question, but I just watched the UFO Files on tv, and they were presenting actual audio conversations between pilots of aircraft, both military and civil, and military flight control, who were reporting UFO encounters. Needless to say, the evidence was quite compelling. In your opinion, what is the nature of these phenomena? How do we reconcile this to the Bible?

Peter And The Rock

Published: September 9, 2008

I was raised Catholic, and came to faith in Jesus Christ about 2 years ago. Most of my friends and family are Catholic. I frequently am in situations where Catholic beliefs are discussed. None of my Catholic family or friends are bible literate, but have had exposure to some scripture through the Mass etc. One passage frequently quoted to support the belief that the Catholic Church is the one and only true church, and that salvation can not be achieved outside of it, is Matthew 16:15-20.

The Catholic interpretation of this passage is that Christ named Peter as the rock upon which he would build his church (verse 18). Christ also named Peter as the authority over this church (verse 19) and thereby created the first “pope”.

Christian interpretations of the passage that I have read indicate that if one refers to the original language, Greek I think, it is clear that Christ was referring to the “rock” of truth that Jesus is the Christ (Peter’s statement) and it is on the basis of that truth (that He is Christ) that Jesus would build His church. I have read a variation on this that the “rock” referenced is Christ himself, and it is therefore on Christ himself that Christ would build His church, not Peter.

Can you shed some light on this passage given your understanding of the original language? I understand of course that you come from the Protestant tradition, but I trust you to support your view with the facts of the text.

Thanks again. I know God has blessed you greatly, and in turn has blessed us all with continued insight into who it is we worship.

Discernment Or Judgment?

Published: September 9, 2008

Over the past couple of years or so, I’m sensing that I may have the gift of discernment, in that I seem to be able to see the root of issues while others focus on the symptoms. (I have a difficulty even writing this because is appears to be pompous.) Various people have commented that they see wisdom in my words, which has caused me to watch my “tongue”.

Lately, I’ve come to sense that our church and leadership appear to be off-the-mark. (Ex. – focusing on the church’s financial crisis by encouraging the congregation to increase their giving instead of addressing the financial crisis as a spiritual problem. Or implementing programs to get people into the church instead of asking God why He hasn’t brought people to our doors.)

I question myself whether I’m falling into a judgmental attitude or if this is true spiritual discernment. Whether actual or perceived, I get the sense that the leadership is not too interested in what a woman would have to say.

Any discernment on your part would be appreciated.

Punished For Our Government’s Policies?

Published: September 7, 2008

As we all have witnessed many times in recent events, the US is facing a chain of disasters. Many believe it is due to the Bush Administration’s efforts to pressure Israel to divide the land (Joel 3:2). I’m inclined to agree. With Russia’s looming threat, and increased probability of a terrorist attack, and these weather changes, My question is: Will God destroy the righteous with the wicked? Christians all over the country have been pleading with Pres. Bush not to force Israel to give one more inch of land to Her enemies, but he isn’t listening. Will God hold us responsible as well?

Is Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

Published: September 6, 2008

My intention here is not to be insulting, but you are cherry-picking. Jesus established the minimum requirement when he said in Mark 16:16 that you must believe and be baptized. So what gives with your explanation? Belief is to be active; you must apply some action for faith without works is dead! I’m glad you mention John 3:16 because it flows from what Jesus said in 3:5 “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. This “water” birth Jesus speaks of is baptism. None other!

Entertaining Demons Unaware?

Published: September 6, 2008

This will probably seem like a weird question but in regards to the scripture about others have unknowingly entertained angels, could some have also entertained demons unaware as well? Do demons as well as angels walk around at times in human form? is it possible people might have photographed angels or demons, or other possible proof, such as strange lights (UFO’s) or ghostly encounters (EVP’s)? I believe that supposed hauntings or ghosts are demonic activities designed to lead people from God, drawing them into occultism.