Ask a Bible Teacher

A Different Perspective

Published: September 4, 2008

It has been my joy to fellowship with Pentecostal- leaning messianic Jewish believers. Some of them hold to a different understanding of the ‘End Times’ which does not seem to include the Rapture of the Church They believe a doctrine labeled One New Man (Jew & Gentile believers together) but believe that the One New Man will take the gospel to both through world evangelism. At that point, Jesus will return to earth at His Second Coming and establish His kingdom upon the earth. Those Christians who continue to assist the Jews during their time of sorrow will be ushered into the kingdom. For those Christians who do not help the Jews, they will be turned away! What are your thoughts on this belief?

Interpreting Two Verses Of Prophecy

Published: September 3, 2008

I am having trouble reconciling two verses and wonder if you could help. One is Matt 24:10-14, when Jesus predicts the great ‘falling away’ and the other is Acts 2:17 : In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams.

Many prophecy experts speak of the ‘Great Apostasy’, especially in relation to the ‘Florida Revival’. Many people in my church , however, believe it is a manifestation of Acts 2:17 and that in the last days God will do great things.

I must say i am quite confused over this, and would appreciate your thoughts.

Olivet Discourse Parables, Follow Up

Published: September 3, 2008

Regarding the Understanding the Olivet Parables Part 2 I have a question: Under the 10 virgins – you used a phrase “let their faith lapse” Did you mean they had once had faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior? And, I guess I was wrong in thinking the after the Rapture the Holy Spirit would be withdrawn? If time permits would appreciate your clarification.

Three Days And Three Nights Or 72 Hours?

Published: September 1, 2008

As you are aware the Hebrew culture’s sense of timing was and as far as I know still different from ours. This is certain during the time of the disciples who would have kept to Hebrew timing.

At the time of the crucifixion Jewish law had an important legal stipulation. This stated that a person was not legally dead until a full three 24-hour day’s had passed i.e. 72 hours. Because of our system of timing, inherited from the R.C. church, we assume that “early the first day of the week” meant Sunday morning sunRISE. According to the Companion Bible and its appendages this verse in Mark’s gospel meant Saturday evening just as the sun set. There is a most interesting discussion in these appendages on the right day of the Passover at the time of the crucifixion, claiming it was on a Wednesday not a Friday.

Another Dispensation, Follow Up

Published: August 29, 2008

I surely do appreciate your site and you are on my list of people to meet once we get to Heaven. I was catching up on the questions this evening and read the one about “Another Dispensation?”. I was wondering, in light of Rev. 14:12, if God will literally “speak” to Tribulation believers. During the Dispensation of the Law God often spoke to people about their obedience to Him. During the Dispensation of Grace, the Holy Spirit speaks to us. Once we are raptured, and the Holy Spirit is taken “away” do you think God will again speak literally to those who become believers. I’m only asking because I’m curious, I am a believer and I won’t be here.

Apparitions Of Mary

Published: August 28, 2008

I am a former Catholic, I was saved 7 years ago during my own search for the Truth praise the Lord! A few of my family members have gone to Medjugorje and believe that Mary is appearing and has over so many years.

My question is how do you explain Mary speaking to those children who first saw her in Medjugorje? I believe that apparitions are either angels or demons, Could this be an example of Satan coming as an angel of light? If so it is so very tricky and it is working as it surely takes attention away from what Jesus did for us. I would love to have an answer from you as to how you see the apparitions.

Another Divorce Question

Published: August 25, 2008

I love your website, I have learned so much. I appreciate the way you are able to make sense out of the whole word of God, as some of us less qualified are often left with the feeling that Gods’ word is contradicting itself.

I have been saved since I was a small child. My mother helped me know the love of Jesus at 3 years of age. I have been studying OSAS and it gives me the freedom that I’ve never experienced since I was raised in the Church Of Christ.( Works)

Though I don’t go there anymore I still have a question that I need help on. I have read all you have on divorce, and remarriage, and I would appreciate your comments on 1 Cor. 7:10,11 where if a woman does leave her husband she is to remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. Does this apply to men as well? My Christian wife divorced me 7 years ago, and I remarried an unsaved woman who is new to the faith but loves it. I would not want to miss the rapture for anything.

Is Dubai The New Babylon?

Published: August 24, 2008

Could Dubai be the New Babylon? I’ve been reading up on the net about Dubai and the enormity of its construction and all the money that is there. It really has popped out of nowhere in the last 20 years. Do you think it could be?

Where Are God’s Throne And Temple?

Published: August 24, 2008

Reading your ‘Revelation Times’, a question or two has arisen re Rev 7. If the post rapture martyrs are not the church, and they are not Israel, where do you see the temple of God in which they serve? Is this in heaven rather than earth? You use the phrase ‘a privileged existence in eternity’ – do they have a part to play during the millennium? Rev 22 is set during the millennium – here the servants of God are again mentioned. Which servants, for in this temple is it not Israel that serves? Another question, what happens to those on earth, be they Israel or the nations, during the millennium when they die?

More Itching Ears Follow Up

Published: August 21, 2008

First of all, I must say, you are truly a gifted teacher, and a faithful servant.

I have been anxiously reading your weekly articles for the last few years. I believe in a pre-trib rapture, and with the quickly occurring events in regards to bible prophecy, believe we could very well be at the door.

Your recent article “itching ears” weighs heavy on my heart, not because I am looking at a specific date for the Lord’s return, but because I was left with the impression you were saying it’s not possible He could come that soon. This is the specific danger of being overtaken as by a thief that He warned us about. Given Israel’s history, recent events involving Russia, there is no doubt these things could come to pass very quickly. The danger with setting dates is thinking we have time. I hate to think some brothers and sisters will be caught unaware because one of these “dates” will come too late.