Ask a Bible Teacher

Killed For Wickedness

Published: July 25, 2007

Who was the first individual killed by God for being wicked? Who was he/she or what scripture can this be found in?

More Apparitions

Published: July 25, 2007

I have a question about apparitions. There was another person who wrote to you about these that I had seen in your “Ask a Bible Teacher”. I believe absent from the body present with the Lord, too, and also the passage from Deut. 18:10-11 that tells us that God permits no communication or interaction between the living and the dead. But what about the mount of transfiguration when Moses and Elijah were present with Jesus and Peter, James and John saw them?

My dad died when I was 4 and my brother was 3 years old. following the death, my brother was in bed and could see someone he said was our dad sitting at the edge of the bed talking to him.

Other people who have lost loved ones tell similar stories. can you help us out?

What’s Happening In Turkey?

Published: July 23, 2007

I think you said somewhere that Turkey has to change sides in the future and I can’t remember if you mentioned a future election that might sway things…Anyway, if you did, I just read that Turkey is having an Election Sunday. I assume the Government is presently secular and they fear that it could become Islamic, if I’m getting that right? Would the result have any bearing on Prophecy?

This Generation: 1st Century, 21st, Or Both?

Published: July 23, 2007

I tend to regard the phrase “this generation” as referring to the people who were alive at the time when Jesus was teaching for this reason. As you know, chapter divisions were not in the original writings and in Luke 20-21, Jesus was teaching publicly at the temple when asked about the signs of the end of the age. In Luke 21:12, Jesus said “but before all these things” (KJV) and then spoke about the persecution and destruction that was to happen in 70

Bozrah And Then Jerusalem?

Published: July 22, 2007

I was wondering if you could give me a chronological time or sequence of the action in Isaiah 63 when Jesus comes from Bozrah, with His garments stained crimson.? Can you shed any light for me, as to when this takes place. I know it has not taken place already, so has to be future. I have heard that He does not set down on Mt. Olivet first, He goes to Bozrah first.

Also does your study on the Temple tell, where and how you arrive at the location of where the Temple will be built? Is that the Millennial temple? I presume it will be the one the a.c. desecrates but then Jesus comes and cleanses it? I so appreciate your wisdom.

False Images

Published: July 18, 2007

I was interested in the topic of your message on the Feast of the First Fruits. But to open with an Europeanized image of The Messiah is so disrespectful, it is offensive. It is time the world gets to know The real Messiah and stop spreading false images. God warns against making false images. Wake-up Brethren.

The Last Trumpet Follow Up

Published: July 17, 2007

I was reading your article on a pre-trib rapture. You mention that the “last trumpet” in 1Cor. 15:52 was simply one of many references to “last trumpets” in the Bible. I would very much like to know the other references that you are referring to when you made this statement. I did a search and found that the only reference in the entire Bible to the “last trumpet” was in the above verse. If I am wrong please show me. If you are wrong I hope that you will make a correction on your web page and that perhaps you will ask yourself if your view stands up to scrutiny in light of the fact that there can’t be a trumpet sound after the last trumpet. This being the case how would you interpret the gathering of the elect at the trumpet sound in Matt. 24:29-31? It would have to come before the last trumpet if it was not indeed the same trumpet that was also being mentioned in 1Cor.15:52.

Another Look At Ezekiel 38

Published: July 17, 2007

I do a Bible study on Sunday afternoons and I’m teaching Isaiah right now. I came across something interesting and I would really like your input. I am involved on a well known prophecy chat board and your commentaries are posted often, so I would like to get your input directly from you, if that’s ok?

I will preface you by stating that I am Pre-Trib without a doubt, but I see Ezekiel 38 and 39 as the Day of the LORD due to some of the language and cross referencing it with the other prophets on the same event (Ezekiel 38:17 says that Gog is spoken of by the other prophets). This seems to cause a rift on the board because I am making my way as a teacher as well, and I do not just blindly fall in line with any view unless it is very clear.

in reading the text in Isaiah 23 about the destruction of Tyre and Sidon I went to Ezekiel 26 and 27 for the more specific prophecy. There are three cities in Ezekiel 27 named Togarmah, Meshech and Tubal that traded with Tyre and Sidon by sea. As I read the notes in my Bible and some commentary, they indicate that, “Tubal and Meshech are in Eastern Asia Monor, or modern day Turkey along with Togarmah.

So then I go to commentary about Meshech and Tubal in Ezekiel chapter 38 and guess what? Meshech and Tubal have now mysteriously migrated some 1000 miles north and INLAND and have become Russia now, and no longer the seafaring/trading cities of Asia Minor.

Think about how prophecy has been interpreted over the last 100 years, and look at how many things were indeed off the mark. Can anyone honestly answer and admit that the Russia view may end up being an “off the mark” interpretation if the LORD tarries and we really see it coming together differently? The key is Turkey in my opinion. I am watching them, not Russia

I guess I’m asking, what am I supposed to do when I study and prepare to teach and try to be faithful? Read the Bible and then disregard it and just cut and paste commentary of popular views and teach it as my own? Or trust the Holy Spirit, read the Word, cross reference a couple of commentaries, and then teach what He is leading me to teach?

Judgment Before Adam?

Published: July 17, 2007

Can you please explain or shed some light on what Jeremiah is talking about in Jeremiah 4:23? Did God let Jeremiah see into the past at the creation and into something deeper?

No More Sea?

Published: July 17, 2007

I appreciate your teachings and have learned a lot from your answers to various bible questions.

I just read your article “Thy Kingdom Come” and just wanted to clarify your thoughts on Revelations 21:1 “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.” Is it your position that this occurs at the beginning of the 1000 years?

I guess I always assumed that their would be a completely new earth and that the one we currently inhabit would be destroyed however that thought does not fit with your analysis as I read it in your article. I would appreciate your thoughts on Revelations 21:1 and what you see happening to this earth at Christ’s second coming. (Physically coming because I know he is coming for the church before the tribulation). Will the oceans disappear and yet the new earth will still have the Mediterranean and Dead Sea? Thank you for your thoughts and insights.