Ask a Bible Teacher

Damascus Destroyed As A Pretext For War?

Published: July 6, 2007

There’s so much going on in the Middle East and Syria is moving all important documents out of Damascus- which is interesting to me. I wonder if the destruction of Damascus will be a set-up. What I mean is this- right now so many countries are trying to pin any sort of confrontation on Israel before it even happens. Iran is trying to cover it’s moves by diverting attention anywhere but on itself. Russia doesn’t want the US to interfere with it’s plans to be better partners with dangerous countries. Syria says that it believes Israel is planning an attack on Damascus- and you know if it happens all fingers will be pointing at Israel. Then all the other mideast countries will be “fighting for/with” Syria against the “Zionists”… what if the attack were done by another country, but all the evidence was looked over because they want war? Is that Biblically possible or does the Bible make it clear how Damascus will be destroyed?

The Timing Of The End Times

Published: July 5, 2007

One of your articles discusses the timing of the 6th plague and the change in magnetic fields regarding the north and south pole. Assuming that the sixth plague of earthquakes is fulfilled in 2012, how does that place the timing of Is. 17, Ez. 38/39, Daniels 70th week, etc? The point being that if we go through this summer without Is. 17, then it will be supernatural to say the least to squeeze war, false peace, war, and the anti-Christ peace into five years or less. What is your opinion of the scenario if we miss Is. 17 this summer? Is there any impact on the 2012 scenario?

Post Rapture Stewardship

Published: July 5, 2007

I want to thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I really appreciate your ministry and have learned much from you. Thank you and God bless you!

My question is, I have some money wrapped up in a 401k and cannot get it out without quitting my job. I truly believe we are so incredibly close to the Rapture that I am trying to get everything situated in my life for the day I disappear. I was wondering if it would be wise to leave the money I can’t get at to a ministry that will use it for good after we Christians are gone?

If it would be a wise thing, do you know of any ministries that are worthy, or if you don’t want to name any, could you help me somehow? I know this may be a hard question, but I really want to use my resources for the Lord’s Kingdom. I have given up worldly comforts and possessions to focus more on the little bit of time I have left here.

After Christians are gone who will be the ones to take over ministries? And who should I give my money to? I can’t answer these myself. See my dilemma? After we are gone will the unbelievers who wake up and get saved restart the churches? Should I leave it to my church’s account? Also, what about all of my other assets? I am going to make a will and want to leave all of it for the furtherance of the Gospel of my Lord! Since you have expertise in financial matters and are a Godly man, I would like your sincere answer. Thank you so much!!!

July 7, 2007 (07-07-07)

Published: July 5, 2007

Thank you so much for answering these questions! I always enjoy your perspective. I know your good with numbers and dates, I have another “date/calendar” question.

Our calendar is different from the Hebrew calendar. Does God have a preference? And speaking of dates. Do you see any significance in the date 7/7/7 coming up on our calendar, next Saturday. It falls on Saturday, the 7th day.

Damascus And The Oslo Accords

Published: July 3, 2007

I have been thinking about the Oslo Agreement which apparently has been written but never confirmed. I understand that it is a 7 year agreement but the 7 years have never started. Do you think the Oslo Agreement might be the document, which the Antichrist confirms?

In addition, I am also very interested in the Isaiah 17 passage relating to Damascus. Do you think that the destruction of Damascus could happen this summer?

Sin In The Millennium

Published: July 3, 2007

I understand that in the millennial kingdom that Satan is bound, Jesus has set up shop on earth, and all unbelievers are gone. Scripture paints a picture that life will be the Utopia man has always dreamed about. Question. How will those being born during the millennial reign know what the concept of sin is and have to make a choice for Jesus or not? I know that even though Satan is bound, sin is not and theres enough residual sin left in man’s heart, what kind of behavior would there be to evidence to others that something called “sin” exists? Since it seems obvious that the “big sins” like murder, thieving, etc are gone, what about lustful thoughts, anxiety, worry, anger or the like?

The Source Of Apparitions

Published: July 2, 2007

I have a question about a question that was asked previously. Someone asked a question concerning apparitions and I wanted to continue the thought.

First off, I don’t believe in ghosts of our dearly departed. “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord” explains it all, so I don’t believe that someone great aunt Caroline is coming back to check on the family home or hanging around for no apparent reason. I have seen television shows though, such as Ghost Hunters etc, where people do experience paranormal phenomenon such as apparitions, footsteps, even dark figures whose movements defy explanation, ie. moving up spiral staircases at incredible speed, thermal imaging that shows figures where there are none, disembodied voices, footsteps and so on.

Now I understand that television is for entertainment and paranormal things mean ratings. The premise of these show though is that they are “real” ghost hunters and it is not faked for TV. If that’s the case then can you offer any explanation as to what these manifestations might be caused by?

Who Will Go In The Rapture, Follow Up

Published: July 2, 2007

In your response to a Catholic who asked: “Who will go in the Rapture”, you wrote: “The only qualification is our belief that Jesus died for our sins, and that when we asked for His forgiveness, He granted us salvation unto Eternal Life.” I agree with your response at a high level, but my fear is that Catholics will filter this response through their understanding of Catholic practice, think they are A-OK, and miss the key message.

As a former Catholic, I found that I was not born-again of the spirit even though I met the requirement as you stated it. I was only born-again when I believed that my salvation was ONLY based on the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ and that I needed to activate and personalize the offer of salvation with Jesus myself, basically exchanging my sinfulness for His righteousness, face to face.

It may sound like a fine point to some, but since Catholic doctrine adds a variety of things to the salvation formula (ex. membership in the Catholic church, infant baptism, etc….as well as teaching additional personal payment for sin over and above that of Christ’s sacrifice, ex. penance, purgatory, etc.), one could meet your definition, and not actually believe in the SUFFICIENCY of Christ’s sacrifice for their salvation. Even the focus of the Mass, the Eucharist, is an ongoing sacrifice for sin, so the concept of Christ’s work as partial payment or as an act to open the way for forgiveness of sins, is a fairly common interpretation for Catholics.

In addition, most Catholics confess to a priest, not to Christ, so the personal relationship is a foreign concept from a doctrinal perspective. I don’t think confessing and asking for forgiveness of Jesus through a mediator such as a priest, will yield the same result. However, that is what most Catholics would assume was meant by “asking for forgiveness”.

I have such a concern for Catholics to hear the biblical gospel. You have such an awesome platform to speak the Truth of the Gospel, so just wanted to make sure all understand, with clarity, any differences in their religious doctrine, so that they can remove any barrier to receiving the Spirit of Christ and be born again as a child of God.

Many of the Christians I meet assume that Catholics are born-again because they use similar words, and profess a similar creed. But the difference is in the details. I continue to pray that we don’t give anyone false hope, but the clear Truth, so they may know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Applying John 14:6

Published: July 2, 2007

I have been thinking about this problem for some time. Here it is:

Based on my observation and understanding, through the ages after the Genesis Flood, there are four groups of people living in this world. They are:

1. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2. Those who were exposed to the Gospel but have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.

3. Those who have been exposed to the Old Testament only and are waiting for the coming of their Messiah.

4. Those who have not been exposed to either the Old or New Testament. At the present time, this group of people although they are living in the present time, are no different from those who lived in the day after the Genesis Flood.

In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” How can one apply this statement to the people in group 3 and 4 either in the past or present?

In John 15:22, Jesus said, “If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin” In the KJV, it is translated as, “If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin”

Do you see my problem? How do you apply John 14:6? I let God be the judge, I am just trying to gain understanding of the scripture.

China Before The Flood?

Published: July 2, 2007

I guess you might call me a YEC. A young earth creationist. I tend to favor the idea that God created the world in 6 twenty-four hour days and rested. This is opposed to the DAC (Day Age Creationists)concept.

However, I am told that China has had a documented existence extending well beyond 5000 years. If this were true the argument is made that a world-wide flood and other “miraculous” events surely would have been recorded in their history.

Does this hold water?