Ask a Bible Teacher

Is Alcohol A Sin?

Published: August 11, 2023

I was brought up to believe that there are two kinds of wine in the Bible. One that is alcoholic and one that is not. Talking to a friend recently, he believes that drinking wine is not a sin if you’re not using it to get drunk. So the question is: Is alcohol a sin? Could you provide me with verses that tell us that there are 2 different forms of wine in the Bible?

Rebellion In Heaven?

Published: August 11, 2023

When Lucifer said “I will be like the Most High. I will ascend” and etc. it says that a 3rd of the angels plus the Devil were kicked out of Heaven. How is it possible for a Revolt of that kind to take place in Heaven?

If free will is possible to that extent for some angels or all, is it possible for any Spirits of people who have not been assigned to earth yet to revolt as well? In other words, people like you and I that exist in Heaven who have not yet had the opportunity to be born in the flesh yet. How could any evil have existed in Heaven in the pure presence of God to begin with?

What Is Tu b’Av?

Published: August 10, 2023

I have a question concerning the Jewish Feast Tu B’ Av. What do you know about this feast day? Do you know the date? With what we are seeing what is going on in Israel and the world I believe we are pretty close to going home. I am in full agreement with you on Rom 11:25 and the fulfillment of the Gentiles. I am pondering a feast day as event-driven just because we know our Heavenly Father works in a direct order. I would love your thoughts on this especially with shortness of time we are in.

The Major Prophets

Published: August 10, 2023

Am I correct in saying that three of the four Major Prophets (except Isaiah) came during the time of the Babylonian Captivity? Also, I cannot find any scriptures relating to how any of the four Major Prophets died. Can you help?

Old Testament Teachings On Jesus?

Published: August 10, 2023

Does the Old Testament teach that Jesus is God? Thanks for any clarification that you can give.


Naaman The Syrian

Published: August 9, 2023

My question is this: In 2 Kings 5:1 it says Naaman was a leper but a mighty man of valor. I thought lepers were supposed to be separated from society. How is it that Naaman led a mighty army and had the victory given to him by God? Also there is another teaching that Naaman is the one who shot the arrow that killed Ahad which has nothing to do with my question. Naaman was also married with a mistress. Why wasn’t Naaman separated from people?


Is Elijah Coming Again?

Published: August 9, 2023

The prophecy of Malachi 4:5 referring to Elijah coming to this earth again has always been a puzzle to me. Do you think this is a literal coming? Do you think this would be before the rapture or before the second coming of the Lord Jesus? I have looked in your archives for information on this but I don’t seem to locate anything you have written on this. If you have written an article on this please let me know how to locate it.

Can We Get Out of God’s Hands And Choose Hell?

Published: August 9, 2023

I believe we are right with God on our profession of faith in Jesus Christ. If we believe in Christ, we are made righteous, but if we do not believe in him, then we aren’t. Recently, I’ve encountered people saying that we ask for forgiveness and run our race in order to remain righteous. Also, they believe one can fall away from God completely with no possibility of return if they renounce Christ. I’m having a hard time understanding this myself because I’ve been having demonic attacks lately trying to pull me away from God and I do not want to go there. I know the Bible says once we are saved, it’s forever, but I have a hard time understanding this since, in our human nature, we feel like we can just get out of Gods hand and choose Hell. Can you help me understand this?

How Does Satan Work?

Published: August 8, 2023

In your post, Satan’s Greatest Defeat, 1 Cor. 2:6-8 seems to indicate that Satan and his minions were behind the crucifixion of the Lord. How do you think he goes about making his plans happen? Is it mind control of some sort? I know that God is actually in control and uses Satan to accomplish His plans, but am uncertain just how Satan works and what powers he has over people.

Who’s Responsible For This?

Published: August 8, 2023

Can you please help me answer my 12yr old son’s question? He doesn’t understand why God would create people like Hitler, knowing full well what they will do here on earth. And in his opinion, he feels like God must not really want everyone to go to heaven since God knows what their choices will be & he still allows people to be born that are “destined for hell”. I’ve read some online explanations, but I need something that a 12 yr old can understand.