Ask a Bible Teacher

Free Grace Or Lordship Salvation?

Published: May 11, 2022

How do you define “free grace” theology and do you believe it is biblical? I believe Lordship Salvation is unbiblical as I understand it but the other side of the spectrum is “free grace” and I am unclear on how it lines up with scripture as it is defined by its proponents. I fully believe that God’s grace is given to us freely irrespective of our merit but I don’t want to label myself as “free grace” if that means I am one who thinks I can live any way I want because that is not the case. Does this make sense?

Making Poor Choices

Published: May 11, 2022

My nephew was taught predestination. He takes that to mean since God knows the choices he is going to make, that he can make poor ones and it is totally OK, because God knew he would do it anyways. I really don’t know what to say to him or what scriptures to point him in the right direction. I mean, I know where he is coming from, but he’s twisted things to the point of no accountability. What do you think?

Should Christians Fear?

Published: May 11, 2022

Is it wrong in the eyes of the Lord if I have fear of the unknown despite that I asked and ask His forgiveness and His help and I trust Him with everything? I handle hard my bad feelings, especially distress and fear. Are these feelings equal to doubt in the eyes of the Lord? I have problems with the definition of doubt, what the Lord counts as doubt.

An Evil Spirit From The Lord?

Published: May 10, 2022

1 Samuel 19:9 says, “And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul, as he sat in his house with his javelin in his hand.” I don’t understand what it means when it says “the evil spirit from the LORD”. I believe the Bible, but can the evil spirit come from the LORD?

Extending Life By Artificial Means

Published: May 10, 2022

I have often wondered why God allows people to linger here when they are unable to stay alive unless they are on machines and drugs. My wife died from cancer and the doctors were keeping her alive with drugs and machines. When they told us that, we had them remove all life support and she went home to be with our Lord 6 hrs later. When there is no hope, why is their going home to the Lord delayed?

Becoming Like Jesus

Published: May 10, 2022

Am I right in thinking that although we will have new bodies and be like Jesus, there will be certain things we will not be able to do because He is God?

Self Evaluation

Published: May 9, 2022

I’m listening to “Mere Christianity” online. Goodness Mr. Lewis was insightful. My question is about pride. Mr. Lewis believes that the best way to find out how prideful you are is to examine how much outrage you feel when you witness someone else acting prideful. Isn’t it natural to be annoyed by people who think so highly of themselves? If it is a friend or family member, shouldn’t we point it out to them? Where is the line between pointing out a flaw and stroking your own ego?

As You Sow

Published: May 9, 2022

Do you reap what you sow even after being saved? For example, if you did something way before you became saved will you reap it still?

Dating First Fruits And Pentecost

Published: May 9, 2022

I have been trying to understand the timing of the Feasts of First Fruits and Pentecost. Reading Leviticus 23 has confused me since they seem to be related more to harvest times than specific dates. Did they float around depending on the harvests or did they come at specific times on the calendar?

Promises To Old Testament Believers

Published: May 6, 2022

Regarding Hebrews 11:13, who does all these people refer to? For Enoch did not die, and which promises did they not receive? is this related to the promise in verse 39? Thanks for the great insights you share on this website.