Ask a Bible Teacher

Where Did Other Religions Come From?

Published: February 16, 2022

I have a question regarding other religions. I would like to know how these religion came into existence. And whom will these people support in the end of days?

What Happened To Him?

Published: February 16, 2022

My husband and I have two wonderful teenage boys (17 & 18). They have grown up in the church and have never caused us any reason to not trust them, but recently the younger one has really changed. We confronted him about it only to find out that he no longer sees himself as a Christian. He claims it’s all just a fairy tale and he thinks that “religion” has too many silly rules. He says we are too restrictive and he has totally withdrawn from all family functions. He doesn’t want to go to youth group anymore and only attends Sunday service to keep the peace. My husband and I pray for him constantly but just don’t know what else to do. Any advice on how to handle this situation would be much appreciated.

What Makes The Narrow Path Hard? Follow Up

Published: February 15, 2022

The recent question “what makes the narrow path hard?” brings up an interesting issue for me. If someone is saved by understanding only God’s Grace can make it possible for them to be saved, then falls into the grace/works mindset that is so common in today’s Church, have they left the narrow way, and will they end up being lost?

With God All Things Are Possible

Published: February 15, 2022

I have a question about Mark 10:17-31. Not only what Jesus said to the rich man but also everything else He said to his disciples after. It seems like He is saying unless we are sure we are sacrificing everything to follow Him we will not enter the Kingdom. I keep wondering if I’m doing enough to deserve eternal life? What if I’m not giving up enough to be accepted?

The Voice Of The Lord

Published: February 15, 2022

My question is on 1 Samuel 3:10, in the verse it states that the LORD came and stood and called Samuel as the other times. The Hebrew word for “came” is bow’ which could mean (to enter, come in)… and the word “stood” in Hebrew is yatsab which means (station oneself or present oneself). Then in verse 21 in chapter 3 it states that the LORD appeared again to Samuel. The word for appeared in Hebrew is ra’ah which could mean (to be visible).

So I guess my real question is, was this a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ, as in other times in the OT?

What Makes The Narrow Path Hard?

Published: February 14, 2022

In Matthew 7:13-14 it says that wide is the gate that leads to destruction, but it says that narrow is the way and some translations say hard is the path that leads to eternal life. Why is it hard if believing on the Lord’s death as payment for our sins is the only thing we have to do? What makes the narrow path hard?

Why Do We Deserve Death?

Published: February 14, 2022

I’m a Christian. I believe in Jesus who died for my sins and rose on the 3rd day and do not trust in my own works getting me into heaven, and therefore rely solely on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. However, there is one thing that my human mind has difficulty grasping and that is that we deserve death. I do understand and believe that the wages of sin is death, but I have difficulty really understanding that we deserve to die because of our sins. Should I be worried of my salvation?

Shedding Blood For Our Sins

Published: February 14, 2022

RE: Could Adam Have Been Eve’s Redeemer. Hebrews 9:22 says “Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.” What is it about the shedding of someone else’s blood that forgives the sins of another person. Why does that work?

Where And When Is The Bema Seat Judgment?

Published: February 11, 2022

Recently I’ve been asked for biblical references as to why I believe that the bema seat judgment will take place during the Tribulation (or Daniel’s 70th Week). Obviously, I believe that the Rapture will happen before those seven years start. And, although I can find the references that say that there will be a judgment for believers, I haven’t been able to nail down ones indicating the timing. Could you point me in the right direction?

The Leaves Of The Tree Of Life

Published: February 11, 2022

I know when we get to Heaven we will have our glorified bodies. But will the tribulation saints have their glorified bodies also or will they still be in the flesh? I remember reading the Bible and it said when they got sick they will have to touch the leaves to recover. So does that mean only the church will have glorified bodies or will we all have glorified bodies?