What To Do About A Fallen Pastor
Published: February 8, 2022Our pastor resigned Sunday due to what he stated was an “emotional” relationship with a woman other than his wife. Some are wondering, if he repents, couldn’t he come back according to the principle given us in Matthew 18? My thought so far is the standard God gave for a bishop or deacon of being blameless and that our pastor has compromised his ministry with this affair. Also, some believe we are to forgive those involved even if no repentance is evident; that it is our Biblical mandate. Others say that we do not hold anger and bitterness towards them, but we cannot forgive what is not confessed. I would appreciate any thoughts to help as we begin to deal with the fallout of a fallen pastor.
Did The Gift Of Tongues Change?
Published: February 7, 2022At Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came upon the Apostles they spoke in Tongues and everyone understood them in their own language. It seems later the gift of Tongues changed to something secret and required an interpreter. What happened?
Help! I Can’t Do Both
Published: February 7, 2022Since I started tithing I can no longer help my family who are in a desperate situation. My mother is completely stressed out and in debt and can quite literally barely put food on the table. Though I know it’s right to tithe, it breaks my heart to see them go without. They relied heavily on me and now I feel terrible I can’t do both, I can’t tithe and help them. How can I be obedient to God and see my family suffer. What should I do?
Should I Go Back Or Not?
Published: February 7, 2022In this economy any job is a good job, right? I worked for 8 years at a job where I prayed every day for God to get me out of there. Finally I gave up my job and was replaced. But did I really give up my job? I have been in and out of that job countless times over the last year and helped out the replacement many times for free. Now my old employer would like to hire me back as my replacement quit. Should I go back to this job? We have now moved and the drive would be longer. The stress and daily deadlines were enormous to the point it caused health issues. My husband does not want me to go back.
Why Do We Feel Called To Leave?
Published: February 4, 2022My wife and I have been seriously considering a move away from United States. We feel for some reason that this is what God is calling us to do although we do not know yet where he will be sending us. Is there anything in the Bible that would lead us to better understand this direction we feel from God?
The Parable Of The Weeds
Published: February 4, 2022According to Matthew 13:41 as I understand it Jesus says he will send his Angels, and they shall gather out of “His” Kingdom all things that offend, and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth. First of all Jesus mentions “things”,then he mentions “them”which I believe refers to “humans”, which do iniquity. What I don’t understand is what type of people is he referring to, and are they Christians? Don’t you have to be a true Christian to be in “His Kingdom”? Can you please explain this?
What Wrath Was Paul Talking About?
Published: February 4, 2022As I read the passages in 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, it sounds like the second coming, and that the church will be here watching. Verses 9-10 sound like passages about salvation only, not necessarily about the wrath of the tribulation. Please help me understand these passages. Do they speak of the rapture?
Was Luke Jewish?
Published: February 3, 2022Were all the disciples Jewish? There seems to be some controversy whether Luke was a Jew or a Gentile.
How Will She Appear?
Published: February 3, 2022My cousin passed away recently. She was 64 and mentally handicapped since the age of 5. I always called her one of Jesus special little children because she loved to color and play with stuffed animals. When she goes before Jesus will she appear as a child from when she lost her mental abilities at 5? Or will she appear as a fully functioning adult? Are people like her protected under the blood of Jesus? I know she loved Him because she has told us so.
A Spiritual Temple?
Published: February 3, 2022I recently saw an article on the coming temple and land grants of Israel. This author said the temple will be built by Jesus after the tribulation and the temple referred to in 2 Thes 2:4 is a spiritual temple. Can you help me work through this?