Ask a Bible Teacher

Why Is Hanukkah Eight Days Long?

Published: December 10, 2021

I’ve long read where the re-dedication/dedication of the Temple after it was defiled by Antiochus required eight days. Where does that law come from?

Recognizing Jesus

Published: December 10, 2021

I want to ask about the passage in John 1:32-34. This is the passage where John the Baptist states that even he did not recognize Jesus except that the Holy Spirit descended upon Him (Jesus). My question is, how is it that John the Baptist would recognize the Holy Spirit in the form of a bird (dove) but could not recognize Jesus in the form of a man? Didn’t John the Baptist even leap while yet in his mother’s womb at the voice of Mary (who was with child) when he was yet unborn, having recognized Jesus’ presence?

The Geneva Bible

Published: December 10, 2021

Is The Geneva Bible Accurate In Bible Teaching?

Inherit The Kingdom Or Just In It?

Published: December 9, 2021

I have always understood that the “outer darkness” will be a place for the unbelieving. I never heard the teaching that it would be a place where the unfaithful believer would be sent where they would experience the weeping and gnashing of teeth until after the millennium until I was reading a book written by a well known minister and bible teacher. And there is another TV preacher who teaches that those believers who practice the acts of the sinful nature will not inherit the Kingdom based on Galatians 5:16-21. What is the difference between not inheriting the Kingdom and not being in the Kingdom? If you will not inherit the Kingdom, how can you be in it?

You Must Have Been A Beautiful Baby

Published: December 9, 2021

I have a question about Hebrews 11:23. When the parents of Moses “saw that he was beautiful” – does this mean something other than he was just too good looking to kill? Did they recognize him as the deliverer? Were they commended for their faith simply because they had the faith to disobey the edict and save their son, or does the word “beautiful” translate into something else? I’ve always wondered about this. I like what you’ve said about going back to the original language and looking for meanings.

Finding The Right Job

Published: December 9, 2021

My whole life, until 2010, God was faithful in giving me jobs wherever we went, even though I wasn’t as close to Him as I am now. Lately it has been a series of layoffs. I am a good worker and have never been let go for not doing a good job. I prayed and prayed and found a job in a field I had previously been in for many years. I was let go yesterday due to “not being a good fit” for the position. What am I doing wrong? I don’t know how to discern whether a job I get is from God or simply that I jumped the gun and took one I shouldn’t have taken. Are we made to pay the rest of our lives for a bad decision made at a certain point in our lives?

More On The Sick Woman and The Dead Girl

Published: December 7, 2021

My jaw just dropped while reading your understanding of Jairus’ daughter and the sick woman. I never noticed the symbolism! I have a question about it. I would like your thoughts on the number 12 that is so prominent here. Woman with an issue of blood 12 yrs – 12 year old daughter. I read somewhere that 12 is the number for government. Is the number 12 in this case representative of the 12 tribes (Israel) and the 12 apostles (church)?

Thrones for The Disciples

Published: December 7, 2021

In Mathew 19:28-30 it seems like Jesus promised Judas a throne. Jesus never lies so is There an explanation as to why Jesus said this to them?

Saved Unbelievers?

Published: December 7, 2021

I have been married for 7 1/2 years and love my husband dearly. I am a believer but He is not. I have presented him with the facts and showed him scriptures in the bible to back it up. He just believes that Jesus was a good man that started one of many religions that are practiced today. He believes that when we as Christians tell someone that Jesus is the only way to salvation, that it is discriminatory against other beliefs. We have had many heated discussions in reference to this. It breaks my heart to know that his soul is at stake and I pray that the Lord will open his eyes one day.

I was on a Christian forum seeking help on how I could help my husband understand and was told not to worry about it because since I’m a believer, my husband and household are covered. This doesn’t settle well with me. My children are 6 and 4 so they’re too young to understand and are under the age of accountability but my husband being covered, I was like no way until I was referred to 1Cor 7:13-16.

“And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.” NKJV

I read the bible literally but this scripture, I’m having trouble with on whether I should take it literal or not. I just find it hard to believe that my husband would be raptured or be sanctified with me being a believer. Can you explain this scripture to me? Thanks again!

Where Did We All Come From?

Published: November 30, 2021

Thanks for your ministry. Recently my 15 year old daughter, who is a Christian, asked me how the various races came to be since we are all descendants of Noah and his sons. Can you shed any Biblical light on this question?