Faith Or Good Deeds?
Published: November 11, 2021Re. Luke 7:1-10. Did Jesus heal the Centurion’s servant because of the Centurion’s faith or because of his good deeds?
Planning To Go Or Planning To Stay? Follow Up
Published: November 11, 2021Re: Planning To Go Or Planning To Stay? My daughter is a single parent and not well physically and has 2 autistic daughters. She has brought them up with the knowledge and love of the Lord and they have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. But they are living in poverty conditions and I want to help them. I contribute to their support as much as I can (I am a widow and have limited finances) but it has come up that if I helped finance a house for them, they could live more comfortably. I am willing to do such, but as I read about storing up treasures in heaven, I wonder if I am not trusting in our Lord and should be content and grateful for all we do have.
Life’s Lessons
Published: November 10, 2021My question pertains to decision making on non-moral matters. In moral cases I believe the Holy Spirit places convictions on our hearts to do the right thing. I’m talking about the non-moral ones such as deciding whether to stay put or move, or playing it safe and being content in my current situation versus taking a risk and trying something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. My most recent life decision did not work out as I had hoped. I learned many things in the process but it was painful. Is this a symptom of not living in fellowship with God or are there important decisions in life that God expects us to use the resources we have to figure out on our own?
Planning To Go Or Planning To Stay?
Published: November 10, 2021My wife of almost 2 years now has told me that she is ready to go (in the Rapture) at any time just as I am. We agree about most spiritual matters. However, she is constantly planning for the future here, while I am constantly looking up as if the rapture could occur any day now. It’s as if she is oblivious to the events that are taking place around the world.
Because I study end times prophecy a lot, she says that I am obsessed with all of this. She says that if you are ready, then nothing else matters. I feel as if she thinks I am a nut for wishing the Lord would return right now. Do you have any words of encouragement that I could say to her in a loving way or should I just continue to pray for her?
Not Interested In Revelation
Published: November 10, 2021I’m not all that interested in Revelation beyond the letters to the seven churches. As I plan to be on the first bus to heaven (Rapture), I’ve never felt the rest of the book really applied to me! Am I wrong? Everyone at my church gets pretty excited and worked up over the Book of Revelation, but I just don’t feel it. Is there something wrong with my spiritual condition for feeling this way?
Measuring Time In The Bible
Published: November 9, 2021When the Bible speaks of 3 1/2 years how do we know it means 3 1/2 years as the Bible also says a day is as a thousand years. How do we determine time in the Bible?
What About Christian Activism?
Published: November 9, 2021What are the bible’s thoughts on Christians who try to change our society through government or Christian activism. They say Christians who don’t participate, are just being lazy, apathetic, etc. That we must get out there on the street and change our world for Christ by getting involved. I used to be one of these but I have lost faith in this method. What does The bible have to say about this, not based on feelings etc. but pure biblical truth.
Is Preaching Salvation Necessary?
Published: November 9, 2021If, on the cross, Jesus paid our sin debt past, present and future, then everyone in the world is already saved, because all sins by everyone now alive were future sins when Jesus died. Why are so many preachers who teach this doctrine still trying to get people saved? It seems that most of them are talking out of both sides of their mouth. The truth remains that provision for forgiveness of sin was accomplished on the cross. I don’t get it.
Staying Alert To Attain Salvation, Or Because We Already Have It?
Published: November 8, 2021Some say 1 Thessalonians 5:5-10 says that one is to not “sleep”, but be sober and keep armor on in order to attain final salvation. Others say it means that we are children of the light so we are to put on this armor since we are going up. Which one is correct?
The Sower And The Seed
Published: November 8, 2021For some time, I have been pondering the parable of the sower and the seed (Matt. 13:1-9), wondering what Jesus meant when He said some seeds would yield a hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold. I’m hoping I have ears to hear. Please help me to hear.