Ask a Bible Teacher

Anger And Murder

Published: November 8, 2021

Would you please give me your take on Matt 5:22? I have read several different commentaries on this scripture, and am still not sure I fully understand it.

Where Does Enoch Fit In?

Published: November 5, 2021

If Moses and Elijah are indeed the two witnesses spoken of in Revelation 11, then where does Enoch fit in, considering that he and Elijah are the only ones mentioned in the Bible who were taken directly to Heaven without seeing death?

Will All Israel Be Saved?

Published: November 5, 2021

The other day I was talking to someone and he pointed out these verses to me from Romans 11:25-26. “For I don’t desire you to be ignorant, brothers, of this mystery, so that you won’t be wise in your own conceits, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in, and so all Israel will be saved. Even as it is written, “There will come out of Zion the Deliverer, and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.

In these verses I was interested to see that it appears that we are waiting for that last Gentile to come in to the Kingdom for the rapture to happen. But Paul also stated that all of Israel will be saved. Does that mean all of Israel that is alive at the beginning of the tribulation or the ones who make it through the tribulation or something else? I have Jewish friends who are so anti-Jesus it would give me comfort to know that they will be saved.

Our All Knowing God

Published: November 5, 2021

Once again, thank you for all your help in understanding the truth of the bible. My question is, can a person die before their time?

Another Tithing Question

Published: November 4, 2021

I don’t have a problem with tithing. Actually, I enjoy giving and I do hope some day God will provide me with an opportunity to give even more abundantly to others. When tithing, is a person required to give all his tithe to the church he is attending? Or can he give half of his tithes to the church he attends then half to other ministry needs such as a radio station he listens to, or an out reach ministry? I’m not really getting fed at my current Church, and I would like to divert some of my tithe to other ministries.

Reconnecting With God’s Spirit. Follow Up

Published: November 4, 2021

As a younger man I prayed to Jesus to save me but then things got sort of sinful for me for a good long time. I always wondered about that little voice that was making me feel bad about doing bad things. I rarely felt like I had a good time afterwards though I had enjoyed myself at the time. I always felt like I had done wrong. I had been away from the Lord a long time before I finally went back just a few years ago. Is it possible I had been saved as a younger man and this was Him calling me back through all those years?

Jesus And John The Baptist

Published: November 3, 2021

Re: Matthew 11:11-15. What is your interpretation of this passage? I am stymied and your opinion would be a grace!

According to Revelation What Time Is It?

Published: November 3, 2021

At what point in the Book of Revelation would you say we are now?

Sin In The New Jerusalem?

Published: November 3, 2021

My question concerns our sin nature that we acquired after Adam and Eve sinned. My understanding is that they were not created with a sin nature but chose to sin anyway. Is the difference between us that they chose to sin and we are unable not to sin? In our resurrected bodies will we still have the choice like them? If this is so how will we resist? They couldn’t. I know you have the answers.

Stewards Of The Earth

Published: November 2, 2021

I know that we are to take care of the earth and animals and not abuse them, but is there anything written specifically that says that? Also, does taking care of the earth and animals override all that man tries to do as far as living here is concerned?